Sunday 19 November 2017

Youngevity Aktienoptionen

Ormus - Update-Informationen: Re-Erfinden von Gesundheit und Leben Kompiliert von Walter Sorochan Emeritus Professor: San Diego State University Posted: February 26, 2015 Aktualisiert 2092015 Version 5 Update 3112015. Haftungsausschluss Die Informationen auf dieser Website sind nur zu Informationszwecken gedacht und sollten NICHT Als Empfehlung für einen bestimmten Behandlungsplan, Produkt oder Vorgang interpretiert werden. Informationen in diesem Bericht stammen aus Quellen, die als richtig und zuverlässig gelten, aber keine Garantie, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend, kann hinsichtlich der Genauigkeit oder Zuverlässigkeit derselben gemacht werden. Es ist bis zu dem Leser, alle Quellen zu validieren. Die Aussagen dieser Website wurden nicht von der United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ausgewertet. Nichts, was hier angegeben wurde, sollte als ärztlicher Rat für den Umgang mit einem gegebenen Problem betrachtet werden, oder zu diagnostizieren behandeln verhindern Heilung jede Krankheit. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Menü Themen: Um direkt zum nächsten Thema zu gelangen, klicke auf: Was ist Ormus Einsteiger Einführung in Ormus von Barry Carter Geschichte über ormus in Vereinigte Staaten Ancient ormus Namen Unterschiede zwischen einatomigen und diatomaren Eigenschaften Spektroskopie Technik Zusätzlicher Beweis, dass ormus Elemente existieren Pflanzen, die für ormus gesundheitliche Leistungen beansprucht werden, die von ormus beansprucht werden Wo ist ormus gefunden Ormus reiche Pflanzen und Esswaren Materialien mit einatomigen Elementen Herstellung von ormus Ergänzungen Making ormus für Pflanzen Beraten für ormus Ergänzung Benutzer Gefahren von einatomigen Gold Liste von ein paar Plätze Verkauf von ormus Ergänzungen Bergbau Unternehmen Interesse an ormus Medizinisches Interesse an m-Elementen Youngevity Kontroversen Interessanter Link zu ormus Angelegenheit Anannaki Schlussfolgerung Referenzen Dieser Artikel sammelt die meisten Ormus-Informationen und relevanten Videos an einem Ort, so dass es Ihnen leicht ist, ormus und die Ansprüche von weißem Pulver Gold zu bewerten Vorteil. Es ist die Aufgabe des Lesers, die Informationen zu überprüfen. Die Dokumentation ist Ihr Werkzeug dafür. Dieser Artikel ist in Arbeit. Die Frage ist: Sind Nanopartikel gleich wie ormus m-Staatselemente Walter Sorochan ist ein unabhängiger Forscher ohne Interessenvertretung. Was ist ormus Ormus ist eine Form von Materie, die als ein einzelnes Atom oder einatomiger Zustand gefunden wird und als Element bezeichnet wird. Pflanzen verwandeln Mineralien in den Boden in einen Elementzustand und Tiere und Menschen können wiederum Elemente aus der pflanzlichen Nahrung einnehmen, die wir essen. Ormus hat besondere Energieeigenschaften, die als Lebensenergie bezeichnet werden. Das ist in allen Lebewesen gefunden. Ormus erhöht die Gesundheit, die Spiritualität, verlängert das Leben und wird behauptet, Lebewesen miteinander und das Universum zu verbinden. Es ist Materie, die aus kleinen inerten einzelnen Atomelementen besteht, die als quotormesquot oder m-Zustandselemente bezeichnet werden. Wie Gold, Silber, Blei, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium, Platin und Osmium. Diese neue Form der Materie ist nicht Teil der normalen Elemente im traditionellen Periodensystem der Elemente und verhält sich anders als die Metallelemente, die wir in der Schule unterrichtet haben. Carter: was ist ormus 2012 Mehr über ormus wird in einem kurzen Video von David Wolfe erklärt: Video ist 8:11 mns Beginner39s Einführung in Ormus von Barry Carter: Sich, stell dir vor, dass es dort eine Reihe von Nährstoffen wie Vitamin C oder B Vitamine oder Kalzium gibt Oder Magnesium, Nährstoffe, die bis heute niemand wusste. Oder lassen Sie sich sagen, dass die Wissenschaft nicht über sie Bescheid weiß. Vielleicht wussten alte Leute von ihnen, aber moderne Leute wissen nichts über sie. Und diese Nährstoffe, wegen ihrer Natur - die Art, wie sie körperlich arbeiten, als physikalische Substanzen - sie sind sehr schwierig, sich mit der modernen spektroskopischen Analyse zu identifizieren und so weiter. Und diese Nährstoffe sind essentielle Nährstoffe. Du brauchst sie in deinem Körper und in der Tat, sie sind sogar in der Luft und alles Wasser und alles, was wir essen, aber wir machen eine Menge Dinge für sie, die wir wirklich nicht wissen, dass wir ihnen helfen. Wir machen Dinge wie, oh, mit Handys und das zerstört sie oder mit Mikrowellenherden und das zerstört sie oder Kochen auf Elektrobrennern, die sie trocknet. Alle Dinge, die wir mit diesen Nährstoffen tun, um sie zu beschädigen oder sie wegzutreiben, erschöpft sie in unserem Körper, so dass wir nicht so viele dieser Nährstoffe bekommen. Also, wenn wir anfangen, sie zu bekommen, passieren alle möglichen wunderbaren Dinge. Nun, das Interessante an diesen Nährstoffen ist, dass sie eine sehr unerwartete Quelle haben. Gold. Silber, Platin und andere Edelmetallelemente haben diese Art von Ormus-Form, wo sie buchstäblich eine andere Atomform annehmen und sie nicht mehr als Metall funktionieren. Sie verhalten sich nicht mehr wie Metall. In der Tat, wenn Sie die ormus Form von Gold oder Silber haben, sieht es wie ein weißes Pulver oder wie ein Öl und in dieser anderen Form sind sie sehr vorteilhaft, während als Metall, können sie giftig sein. Also etwas, das sie von der ormus Form in die metallische Form umwandeln würde, ist wohl eine gute Sache. Die Leute haben das wirklich getan. Sie haben diese tatsächlich aus Metall und dann aus Metall zurückgeholt - von Metall zu Ormus und dann zurück von Ormus zu Metall - und die Prozesse, die sie benutzten, waren Dinge, wie sie sie auf einem elektrischen Brenner erhitzten, um das Metall umzuwandeln oder in einen Mikrowellenofen zu stellen Und microwaving es, um das Metall umzuwandeln. Also, wir haben eine ziemlich gute Idee, was sie sind und was passiert ihnen unter bestimmten Umständen, dass die Leute die ganze Zeit tun. Nun, was wir finden, ist, dass diese Elemente in ihrer ormus Form, sehr, sehr vorteilhaft für Pflanzen, Tiere und Menschen sind. Wir haben Studien von einer Viertelmillion Hühner, die gefüttert wurden oder Mus, die aus Meerwasser gemacht wurden. Seewasser speziell, und alle diese Hühner erlebt verbesserte Gesundheit, verbessertes Wachstum und reduzierte Bedingungen wie Hühner, wenn sie zu schnell wachsen, oft ihre Beine werden. Die Knochen in den Beinen werden gummiartig. Es nennt man Gummibeine. Sie werden buchstäblich den Körper nicht unterstützen. Nun, diese Hühner wuchsen schnell und haben keine Gummibeine, Sachen wie diese sind passiert und wurden gemessen. quot Nach oben Ormus-Elemente sind angeblich in Boden, Salz, Ozean, Luft, Pflanzen und Tiere vorhanden und müssen extrahiert werden Spezielle chemische Prozesse. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist in der Grafik unten: Rohstoffe für ormus: ORMEs ist ein Akronym für Orbital umgeordnete monomere Elemente, die auch als einatomige Elemente oder m-Zustandselemente bezeichnet werden. Hudson zeigte durch seine sehr detaillierten Experimente und mehrere Tests, dass mindestens 13 der Übergangselemente im Periodensystem der Elemente Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg , Kann in einem bisher nicht identifizierten Zustand der Materie bestehen. Ormes sind Atome, die eine Substanz enthalten, in der ihre Atome nicht miteinander verbunden sind, als ein einzelnes Atom oder einatomiger Zustand bezeichnet. Sie bilden eine neu entdeckte Form (Phase) von Materie, die als quotexotische Materie bezeichnet wird, mit ganz anderen physikalischen Eigenschaften von normalen Elementen, wie sie im Periodensystem gefunden wurden. Hudson fand heraus, dass Elemente in einem einatomigen Zustand sehr chemisch inert sind. In der konventionellen Chemie wird angenommen, dass alle chemischen Reaktionen zwischen den Elementen aufgrund der Wirkung ihrer äußeren und Elektronen stattfinden. Nun, was David Hudson abgeleitet hat, war das, wenn diese Übergangselemente in einem einatomigen Zustand existieren und ihre Elektronen nicht mit ihren nahen Nachbarn in einer materiellen Struktur wie ein Kristallgitter, z. B. Na Cl - teilen, werden sie zu ORME-Elementen. In diesem Stadium bilden die äußeren Elektronen dieser Elemente Cooper-Paare negativ - elektronen, die sich gegenseitig suchen und zu Wirbelwind von Licht werden, das sich bei Super-Geschwindigkeiten um das Atom dreht. Wiederum, als Folge dieser Änderung verlieren sie alle herkömmlichen chemischen Reaktivität. Eine weitere wichtige Veränderung ist, dass die wirbelnden Elektronen Licht geworden sind und ein Meissner antimagnetisches Feld eingerichtet haben. Dieses antimagnetische Feld verursacht eine Schwebekraft gegen das Erdmagnetfeld und das Element verliert effektiv 4939s seines Gewichts. Hudson: monatomic ormie Zurück nach oben Unterschied zwischen monomin - und diatomaren Eigenschaften: oder Weißgold vs metallisches Gold Der einzige Unterschied zwischen den beiden ist die Art und Weise, in der Gruppen von Atomen miteinander verbunden sind. Ein monoatomisches Element hat ein Atom pro Molekül ein zweiatomiges Element hat zwei Atome pro Molekül. Ein interessantes Merkmal von einatomigen Elementen ist die Fähigkeit, von einem inerten Zustand zu einem metallischen Zustand bei verschiedenen Temperaturen umzuschalten. Im Allgemeinen ist ein metallisches Element physikalisch stabil und ein relativ guter Leiter von Wärme und Elektrizität und ist üblicherweise chemisch aktiv. Obwohl Metalle typischerweise verrosten und korrodieren, verhalten sich die monatomaren Atome des gleichen Elements eher wie eine Keramik, da sie in der Regel schlechte Leiter von Wärme und Elektrizität sind und chemisch inert oder inaktiv sind und sich nicht verbinden. Zusätzlich zeigen nach Hudson monatomare Elemente die Eigenschaften von Supraleitern bei Raumtemperatur. Zurück nach oben So. Was ist der Beweis, dass ormus m-Elemente echte Advanced Spectometry-Technologie können sowohl zweiatomige und einatomige Elemente zu identifizieren. Berichte von unabhängigen Forschern an verschiedenen internationalen Labors und Organisationen können auch dazu beitragen, ormus m-Elemente zu überprüfen. Spektroskopie-Technik zur Identifizierung von einatomigen Elementen: Hudson: monatomic ormie Keine der Standard-Detektionstechniken der analytischen Chemie kann monatomische Elemente erkennen. Sie können nur metallische Elemente erkennen, indem sie mit ihren Valenzelektronen interagieren. Da die Valenzelektronen der einatomigen Atome nicht verfügbar sind, sind die Atome nicht identifizierbar. Um ein einatomiges Element zu erkennen, müssen Sie es zuerst aus seinem einatomigen Zustand in seinen normalen Zustand umwandeln, damit das Element mit herkömmlicher Instrumentierung erkannt werden kann. ORMUS-Elemente wurden bisher nicht von der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft bemerkt, weil diese unmöglich sind, mit Standard-Laborinstrumenten wie Spektroskopie zu untersuchen oder zu detektieren. Aber es gibt einen Weg, um zu überprüfen, ob ormus real ist. Dieser Abschnitt behandelt dieses Verfahren. Spektroskopie ist die Wissenschaft der Verwendung von spektralen oder farbigen Linien, um herauszufinden, was etwas aus gemacht ist. Jedes Element hat seinen eigenen einzigartigen Fingerabdruck oder Signatur, die es als anders als alle anderen Elemente oder Materie identifiziert. Ausgeprägte Elemente können durch Veränderung der Temperatur oder Brennen entstehen. Video erklärt, wie eine spektroskopie funktioniert: 2:40 mns lang Analytische Chemie hat das Spektroskop verwendet, um Elemente in der Materie zu identifizieren. Leider hat das herkömmliche Spektroskop die Einschränkungen, weil es entworfen wurde, um Elemente zu detektieren, indem sie mit ihren Valenzelektronen, die sich in einem zweiatomigen Zustand befinden, in Wechselwirkung treten. Ormus m-Elemente existieren in einem einzigen Atom und können nicht durch herkömmliche Techniken identifiziert werden. Hudson erklärt die Grenzen der konventionellen Spektroskopie genauer. Hudson hatte eine schwierigste Zeit mit traditioneller Spektroskopie, um ormus zu identifizieren. Hier ist der Hintergrund dessen, was passiert ist. In einer Technik, die fraktionierte Verdampfung genannt wird, können die monoatomaren Elemente gefunden und eindeutig über eine fortgeschrittenere Emissionsspektroskopie identifiziert werden. Diese Tatsache wurde zuerst von David Radius Hudson diskutiert, der versuchte, Gold und Silber von rohem Erz zu trennen - wurde aber durch das Geistergold behindert, das keinen offensichtlichen inneren Wert hatte. Der Prozess bestand darin, eine Probe auf eine Standard-Kohlenstoff-Elektrode zu legen, eine zweite Kohlenstoff-Elektrode bis zu einer Position direkt über dem ersten zu laufen und dann einen direkten Strombogen über die Elektroden zu schlagen. Die elektrische Intensität des Bogens würde die Elemente in der Probe so ionisieren, daß jedes der Elemente spezifische, identifizierende Lichtfrequenzen abgeben würde. Durch die Messung der spezifischen Lichtfrequenzen (das Spektrum des Elements oder der Elemente) konnte man dann identifizieren, welche Elemente in der Probe waren. Typischerweise beinhaltet eine solche spektroskopische Analyse das Aufschlagen des Lichtbogens für 10 bis 15 Sekunden, an deren Ende die Kohlenstoffelektroden wirksam verbrannt werden. Nach der Mehrheit der amerikanischen Spektroskopiker kann jede Probe innerhalb dieser 15 Sekunden ionisiert und gelesen werden. In der fortgeschrittenen Technik werden die Kohlenstoffelektroden mit einem Inertgas (wie Argon) umhüllt. Damit kann der Emissionsspektroskopieprozess weit über die typischen 15 Sekunden hinaus fortgesetzt werden, um alle Elemente in ihren verschiedenen Formen vollständig zu identifizieren. Als dies geschehen war, konnte in den ersten Sekunden das Geistergold als Eisen, Silizium und Aluminium identifiziert werden. Doch als der Verbrennungsprozess so lange wie 300 Sekunden fortfuhr, begann Palladium bei etwa 90 Sekunden, Platin bei 110 Sekunden, Ruthenium bei 130 Sekunden, Rhodium bei 145 Sekunden, Iridium bei 190 Sekunden und Osmium bei 220 Sekunden zu lesen. Diese letzteren waren die einatomigen Elemente. Im Handel erhältliche Sorten dieser Metalle wurden nur etwa 15 der emissionsspektroskopischen Messungen enthalten. Die Bergbauaktivität von dem, was als die beste Ablagerung der Welt gilt, für sechs dieser Elemente (Pd, Pt, Os, Ru, Ir und Rh) ergibt ein Drittel einer Unze aller dieser Edelmetalle pro Tonne Erz. Dies beruht jedoch auf der standardmäßigen spektroskopischen Analyse. Wenn die Verbrennung bis zu 300 Sekunden fortgesetzt wird, können dieselben Erze leicht Emissionslinien ergeben, die darauf hindeuten: 6 bis 8 Unzen Palladium, 12 bis 13 Unzen Platin, 150 Unzen Osmium, 250 Unzen Ruthenium, 600 Unzen Iridium, Und 1200 Unzen Rhodium Hudson: monatomic ormie Zurück nach oben Zusätzlicher Nachweis, dass ormus Elemente existieren: quotIndependent Forscher haben eine neue, bisher verborgene Form von Materie, die enorme Fortschritte für die menschliche Ernährung bieten kann, neu entdeckt. Seit 1986, die Top-Physiker der Welt, am Niels-Bohr-Institut und im Argonne National Laboratory, in Brookhaven. Haben festgestellt, dass es eine Gruppe von Elementen in der Mitte des Periodensystems der Elemente gibt, die durch diesen seltsamen Existenzzustand gehen. Hudson: monatomische ormie Physiker haben vor kurzem einen neuen Zustand der Materie geschaffen, der mit ORMUS in der Labor. Dieser Zustand der Materie heißt Bose-Einstein-Kondensat (BEC) nach Satyendra Nath Bose und Albert Einstein, der die Existenz dieses Materiezustandes in den 1920er Jahren postulierte. Ihre Theorie wurde nicht bewiesen, bis BECs im Labor 1995 von Eric Cornell und Carl Wieman in Boulder, Colorado, erschaffen wurden. Sie taten es, indem sie Atome auf eine viel niedrigere Temperatur kühlten, als es bisher erreicht worden war. Diese Temperatur war ein Millionstel eines Grades über dem absoluten Nullpunkt. Edelmetalle, einschließlich Kupfer, Silber, Gold, Rhodium, Iridium und Platin (und andere) existieren in einem modifizierten Zustand, wo sie nicht mehr die elektrischen, spektroskopischen, chemischen oder thermischen Eigenschaften aufweisen, die normalerweise mit dem quotmetalquot-Zustand verbunden sind. Das entstehende neue Material erscheint kristallin, stabil, nicht leitend, hitzebeständig und chemisch inert. Diese inerten Elemente sind sowohl natürlich als auch allgegenwärtig, sie durchdringen die Umwelt, unser Essen und unsere Körper. Carter, eine führende Autorität auf ormus, vermutet, dass ormus Materie super unsere Gedanken, sowie die Gedanken jeder lebenden Zelle führt. Carter vermutet, dass ORMUS den Zellen hilft, mehr von dem zu bekommen, was sie brauchen und auch, um loszuwerden, was sie nicht brauchen. Vielleicht tut dies dies, indem sie hilft, die Struktur des Wassers zu ändern, damit das Wasser quittiert wird. Dieser Quatze Wasser kann mehr Nährstoffe in die Zellen tragen und tragen mehr Toxine out. quot Carter: was ist ormus 2012 Seit 1979 hat sich das Interesse an der weißen Pulver Gold Eigenschaften hat großes Interesse bei Wissenschaftlern entwickelt. NASA und andere haben seit 2000 diese Eigenschaften auf theoretische Raumfahrt, sowie Teleportation und sogar Tesla39s freie Luftenergie angewendet. Allerdings kratzten die Wissenschaftler kaum die Oberfläche all dieser Möglichkeiten. Ein paar Wissenschaftler glauben jetzt, dass in den biologischen Systemen Menschen und Pflanzen und Tieren eine Quantenkohärenz gibt. Quantenkohärenz bedeutet, dass es ein sofortiges Kommunikationssystem zwischen Lebewesen gibt. Die Mitte des Periodensystems der Elemente Abbildung auf der rechten Seite besteht aus dem, was als Übergangselemente bekannt ist, die in schwarz umrandet sind, so dass sie durch chemische Behandlung oder durch andere Mittel, wie man sich bezeichnen würde, von metallischen diatomaren Zustand in monatomaren Zustand übergehen oder bewegen können Als Schattenchemie oder Arkane Chemie oder sogar Alchimie. Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel Gold. Wenn Sie zwei oder mehr Goldatome in einem Mikrocluster haben, ist ein Mikrocluster ein kleiner chemisch inerter Atomcluster, der eine definitive kristalline Struktur aufweist. Mikrocluster können so groß sein wie 200 oder mehr Atome. Es wird metallische Eigenschaften haben, aber wenn man nur ein Atom hat, dann wird es keramische Eigenschaften haben, was bedeutet, dass es chemisch inert wird, aber gleichzeitig auch supraleitende Fähigkeiten haben wird bei Raumtemperatur. Auf der Mikro-Nano-Ebene gibt es eine biologische und harmonische Verbindung zwischen unserer biologischen pulsierenden Frequenz oder Resonanz eine Extrem Low Frequency (ELF) Welle, die natürlich im Raum und auf der Erde existiert. Alle Lebewesen auf der Erde, einschließlich der Menschen, haben eine vibrierende Frequenz nennen es niedrigen Strom. Das ist auf diese Mutter Erde Welle abgestimmt. Die niedrige Frequenz ermöglicht es Zellen, Energie genauer zu absorbieren und mit anderen Zellen zu kommunizieren und wiederum mit anderen Personen zu kommunizieren. Diese schwache Erdresonanz vibriert bei einem Puls von 7,83 Hertz (Zyklen), der auch derselbe ist wie der 7,83 Hertz der Hirnfrequenz, der oft erkannt wird, wenn die Psychik in ihrem intuitiven Modus ist. Fiorenza: Planetenharmonika Ormus m-Elemente haben ebenfalls Frequenzschwingungen, die Verbindungen zwischen Menschen erleichtern würden. Im Zusammenhang mit ormus ist die Forschung, die uns hilft zu verstehen, wie odermus uns helfen kann, zu funktionieren. Die Wissenschaftler Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf aus Deutschland im Jahr 2001 haben gezeigt, dass unser Körper durch Sprache, Worte und Gedanken programmierbar ist. Unsere DNA kann ihre richtigen Daten in das Netzwerk anderer Zellen einbringen. Die DNA zieht diese Bits von Informationen auch außerhalb unseres Körpers an und übergibt sie an unser Bewusstsein. Fosar Reprogramming DNA bewährt 2001 Zurück nach oben Carter zeigt fotografische Beweise, dass ormus unglaublich vorteilhaft für Pflanzen Bilder von zwei Sätze von Walnüssen - eine, die auf einem Baum, der gegeben wurde ormus und der andere Satz, der auf einem Baum gewachsen wurde, Ormus Fotos auf der rechten Bäume, die gleichzeitig an der gleichen Stelle gepflanzt wurden, aus demselben Saatgut und nach etwa vierjährigem Wachstum, dem Ormusbaum, der Baum, der den Ormus gegeben hatte, hatte Walnüsse, die viereinhalb Mal waren Die Größe des Baumes, der es nicht hat. Foto auf der rechten Seite Carter: Walnuss-Größen Carter: Pflanzengrößen Gesundheitsvorteile für Ormus beansprucht: Medizinische Forscher hörten von Rhodium-Heilung Krebs von Ormus-Ermittler. So beeindruckt haben sie mit diesen Behauptungen, dass acht Krebslaboratorien versuchen, diese Ergebnisse heimlich zu replizieren. Carter berichtet, dass Forscher am National Institute of Health N. I.H. Und Merck arbeiten jetzt mit Orbitally umgeordneten monoatomischen Elementen - speziell Rhodium. Die Forscher an diesen Einrichtungen können natürlich nicht verstehen, was diese Materialien sind, woher sie kamen oder wie sie für sie zu analysieren sind. Carter: Gesundheitsvorteile von ormus Carter berichteten auch von positiven Ergebnissen, wenn eine Mischung von m-Rhodium (70) m-Iridium (15) und m-Gold (15) als Behandlung für die folgenden Krankheiten genommen wird: AIDS, Alzheimer39s-Krankheit, Bipolare Störung Krebs - Lymphkrebs, Brustkrebs, Knochenkrebs, Leukämie, Hirntumoren, Prostatakrebs, Lungenkrebs, Eierstockkrebs, Schilddrüsenkrebs und Gebärmutterkrebs Diabetes, Emphysem, Herzerkrankungen, Hepatitis C, Nierenprobleme, Lebererkrankungen, Lou Gehrig39s Krankheit , Lupus, Muskeldystrophie, Multiple Sklerose und Osteoporose. Carter: gesundheitliche Vorteile von ormus Wenn m-Staatselemente Rhodium, Iridium und Gold in einer Mischung sind, arbeiten sie als Co-Faktoren bei der Unterstützung von Rollen. Carter drückt gesundheitliche Vorteile, die er mit ormus erlebt hat, einschließlich verbesserter Zahngesundheit Zähne Selbstreparatur auf links, Haarfarbe Rückkehr, weniger Arthritis Schmerzen, verbesserte Spiritualität und gestärkte Immunität. Carter: ano-Bakterienzähne 2012 Jittapiromsak: Acemannan stellt Zähne wieder her 2010 Ormus M-Elemente sind in die DNA-Struktur von Pflanzen und Tieren eingebettet und werden als ein integraler Bestandteil unserer Haut, Nägel, Haare, Blut, Gehirn und alle Organe unseres Körpers. Monatomische Elemente Der Körper, die Zellen im Körper und die DNA innerhalb der Zellen im Körper sind alle Resonatoren, die wie ein Zwei-Wege-Radio arbeiten. Jede Zelle gibt sehr kleine Amplituden-Vibrationsfrequenzen ab, die mit allen anderen Zellen im Körper kommunizieren können. Coetzee: Biomagnetismus 2014 Zelluläre Resonanz Dies ist eine neurologische Transmission ähnlich der, die 1998 von Dr. Glen Rei bei Quantum Biology Research Labs entdeckt wurde. Natürliche Atom - und Molekülresonanzschwingungen im Körper emittieren elektromagnetische und akustische Energiefelder, die biochemische Prozesse oder Krankheiten regeln. Die interzelluläre Kommunikation zwischen den Zellen wird schnell erhöht, wenn Ormus in den menschlichen Körper eintritt. Wenn jede der Zellen belebt ist und mit ihrer Umgebung und dem Rest des Körpers kommuniziert, ist Gleichgewicht und Gesundheit leichter und schnell wiederhergestellt. Die Zellen werden aufgeladen und verjüngt. Ormus hat enorme potenzielle Vorteile für das zentrale Nervensystem durch quotzelluläre Resonanz. Carter visualisiert m-State-Elemente in der Lage, Resonanzwellen ähnlich wie Radiosender an Zellen und die Zellen zu senden, die wiederum in der Lage sind, zwischen den Zellen, einschließlich der DNA zu kommunizieren. Carter: Ormus-Amp-DNA-Reparatur Diese Kommunikation wird durch Zellen mit Wasser mit Flüssigkristallen ermöglicht. Ein Flüssigkristall ist technisch definiert als Form, flüssige Eigenschaften, gespeicherte Information und ein messbares elektromagnetisches Feld. Flüssigkristalle in Wasser in Zellen kommunizieren Energie und Information von Zelle zu zellulärer Kohärenz. Coetzee: Biomagnetismus 2014 Körper Flüssigkristalle in Zellen helfen zu erklären, wie meditativ, Yoga-Praktiken, Vibrations-Resonanz-Tuning und Akupunktur sind so vorteilhaft für psychologische und körperliche Gesundheit. Bjerve: Biokristalle. Carter: gesundheitliche Vorteile von ormus Da Wasser eine wesentliche Komponente im menschlichen Körper ist und Wasser kristalline Matrix hat. Dies fügt der Ansicht Glaubwürdigkeit hinzu, dass ormus m-Elemente in der Wasserlösung einen Einfluss auf die Heilung haben können und wie der Körper funktioniert. Zellen können miteinander kommunizieren, das Gehirn und Körper Organe innerhalb einer Person. Solche innerhalb der Körper-Kommunikation macht es auch möglich, Person zu Person telepathische Kommunikation. Was Sie denken, beeinflusst jede Zelle Forschung Placebo-Effekt Zurück nach oben Aber ein Wort der Vorsicht: auch Carter und andere Befürworter der Vorteile von Ergänzungen betonen, dass diese Nutzung nicht von der FDA und anderen wissenschaftlichen Gremien zu diesem Zeitpunkt genehmigt wird. Metallische Elemente wie Quecksilber und Blei sind für den Menschen giftig. Metallisches Gold ist die Ausnahme und ist ungiftig. Dies ist der Grund, warum die Food and Drug Administration USFDA hat es genehmigt, um als Ergänzung verwendet werden. Die USFDA betrachtet Gold als sicheren Lebensmittelzusatzstoff und Hautpflege Ergänzung. Monatomische Elemente Ormes m-Elemente werden gedacht, um unglaubliche körperliche und geistige Gesundheit Vorteile zu produzieren. Diese neue Wahrnehmung der magischen Kraft des Ormus-Goldes ist keine neue Entdeckung. Nach Ansicht der Historiker glaubten die Sumerer und Ägypter, dass das monatomische Gold die geistige Verwandlung ermutigte und die optimale Gesundheit aufgrund seiner gesundheitsfördernden Wirkungen auf Körper, Gehirn und Zirbeldrüse förderte. Monatomic Gold wird geglaubt, von den alten Ägyptern gegessen worden zu sein, und wurde dargestellt, um ein Nahrungsmittel der Götter zu sein, die die Ägypter bei der Entriegelung ihrer angeborenen geistigen und geistigen Fähigkeiten unterstützen würden. Hudson: monatomic ormie Zurück nach oben Wo ist ormus Substanz gefunden ORMEs sind natürlich vorkommen in bestimmten vulkanischen Böden aus einem geologischen Ereignis, das vor etwa 60 Millionen Jahren aufgetreten ist. ORMUS-Zustandselemente werden wahrscheinlich durch thermisch-chemische Reaktionen innerhalb des Erdkerns erzeugt und bei Vulkanausbrüchen zur Oberfläche gebracht. Sie können praktisch überall auf der Oberfläche der Erde und in konzentrierten Mengen in vulkanischen Böden gefunden werden. Pflanzen, die auf vulkanischen Böden angebaut werden, neigen dazu, höhere Mengen an Ormus-Materie zu zeigen, als die, die auf anderen Böden gewachsen sind. Carter: was ist ormus 2012 Scientistfarmer David Hudson fand Ormus in der Luft, Boden, Pflanzen, Steine ​​und das Meer. Solche Böden sind in der ganzen Welt und westlichen Vereinigten Staaten. Böden, die als reich an diesen Elementen betrachtet werden, können bis zu sechs Prozent des Ormusmaterials enthalten. Die restlichen 94 Prozent oder mehr des Materials ist gewöhnlicher Schmutz, der hauptsächlich aus Siliciumverbindungen besteht. Monatomische Elemente Zurück nach oben Der Beste, um die Nährstoffe zu bekommen, die Sie benötigen, ist, gesundheitsfördernde Nahrungsmittel zu essen. Das ist viel bessere Wahl als Ergänzungen zu nehmen. Der Grund, dass dies so ist, weil, wenn Sie verbrauchen Gesundheit fördernde Lebensmittel, dh Nährstoff dicht, pflanzliche Lebensmittel für eine bestimmte Nährstoff Sie sind auch immer viele andere zusätzliche Vorteile wie erhöhte Faseraufnahme, verbrauchen viele andere Helfer Kofaktor wichtige Vitamine, Mineralien , Antioxidantien und Phytochemikalien, die in diesen Lebensmitteln enthalten sind. Viele Vitamin-Mineral-Aminosäure-Ergänzungen nicht enthalten Nährstoff-Helfer zu helfen, absorbieren die Ergänzung und verwenden Sie es in den Körper. Hudson im Jahr 1998 teilte eine Liste unten von ormus Lebensmittel rohes Gemüse, Obst, Nüsse, Salze und Frühling und Meer Wasser haben Ormen. Die Konzentrationen variieren in Abhängigkeit von der Häufigkeit der Elemente im Boden, in dem diese Pflanzen angebaut werden. Es ist möglich, dass der beste Weg, um diese Elemente aufzunehmen, in Form von Pflanzen ist, die in Böden angebaut werden, die reich an diesen nichtmetallischen Elementen sind. Carter: was ist ormus 2012 Die Liste der Pflanzen unten ist nicht vollständig und ist sehr rudimentär. Die grüne Liste basiert auf dem Boden, dass sie angebaut werden, so dass bestimmte Mengen an Rhodium und Iridium. Kochen und Kochen von Speisen, Mikrowellen oder Heizen von Lebensmitteln ändert die Chemie der Rohkost, was den Ormus-Zustand der Nahrung verursacht, um den Ormus in einen metallischen Zustand zu bringen. Lebensmittel im metallischen Zustand haben keine Ormus-Eigenschaften Die aufgeführten Lebensmittel sind in einem rohen und ungekochten Zustand Die weiße Liste ist eine Liste von zusätzlichen Pflanzen, die andere Wissenschaftler gefunden haben, um nicht spezifizierte Mengen an Ormen zu enthalten. Zurück nach oben Lebensmittelpflanzen, die MONATOMISCHES RHODIUM UND IRIDIUM ENTHALTEN Da diese Elemente in ihrem einatomigen Zustand nicht auf instrumentelle Analysemethoden reagieren, muss eine nasse chemische Trennung erfolgen. Die Probe wird in starken Säuren gelöst und oxidiert. Dann wird jedes Element ausgefällt, getrocknet und als Oxid gewogen (gravimetrische Analyse). Daraus wird die Menge des reinen Elements berechnet und berichtet. Dieser Kurzschnitt-Test kann bis zu drei Tage dauern. Iridium kann hoch oder unbestimmt sein, wenn Kalzium oder Kieselsäure hoch ist, und das Vorhandensein von Eisen kann zu hohen Rhodiumresultaten führen. Eine genauere Bestimmung, um diese Probleme zu vermeiden, dauert bis zu zwei Wochen. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, um Ormus Ergänzungen zu machen. Die Prozesse sind kompliziert und können gefährlich sein: Video Bill Sherman Making White Gold Pulver 2:19 mns .: Machen Sie Ihre eigenen Ormus Video: 5: 54mns Hier sind Verfahren von Experten empfohlen: machen Sie Ihre eigenen ormus brauen. Ein weiteres Rezept für die Herstellung von weißem Pulver Gold ist: Davis: Blue Emerald Making ORMUS für Pflanzen als Dünger ist in der Regel am besten als Niederschlag aus Salz Meerwasser realisiert: Langsam bringen Sie den pH-Wert von Ozean Wasser oder Toten Meer Wasser oder rohes Meersalz (gelöst in Wasser ) Bis zu 10,78 und nicht höher. Verwenden Sie einen Esslöffel Lauge (Natriumhydroxid), gelöst in Tasse Wasser. Lassen Sie den resultierenden Niederschlag absetzen, das klare Wasser von der Oberseite abnehmen und frisches Wasser dazugeben, um es zu waschen. Purify - Wiederholen Sie den zweiten Schritt drei oder vier weitere Male. Wenn der pH-Wert auf 10,78 erhöht wird, werden Sie feststellen, dass der pH-Wert für eine lange Zeit um pH 9,8 - 9,9 hängt. Dies geschieht, weil die Lauge den pH-Wert nicht so lange anheben kann, wie es in Reaktion mit dem ORMUS und Magnesium im Meerwasser verbraucht wird. Sie können auch den Niederschlag von den ORMUS-Anbietern erwerben, die aufgeführt sind: subtleenergiesormustwsources. htm2 Sobald Sie den Niederschlag haben, ist es als Dünger sehr wichtig, ihn mit dem entsprechenden Preis anzuwenden. Es wird typischerweise mit einer Rate von einer bis drei Gallonen pro Hektar (zehn bis dreißig ein Liter pro Hektar) für jede Ernte angewendet. Dies ist in der Regel nur einmal im Jahr für Bäume, sondern wird mit jeder Pflanzung für Gräser, die mehrere Stecklinge erhalten. Pflanzanwendung wurde für die ORMUS-Niederschläge in der Landwirtschaft und der Meeresfrucht berechnet. Einer der ORMUS-Anbieter, hat auch eine Seite dazu auf: sea-cropapplication. html Zurück nach oben Nachdem du so weit gelesen hast, hast du wahrscheinlich deine eigenen Ansichten über ormus. Vielleicht können einige Leser daran denken, etwas Ormus zu ergänzen und zu experimentieren. BEWARE: Du bist auf eigene Faust. Beraten Sie sich für ormus Ergänzung Benutzer: Vor dem Einnehmen ormus jeder Art, Carter schlägt vor, dass Sie vor-planen, um den Einfluss ormus auf Sie zu überwachen können. Machen Sie es möglich, einen Pre-Post-Vergleich von Änderungen zu machen, um Ihnen zu helfen, zu beurteilen, ob ormus Änderungen an Ihnen vorgenommen hat. Carter Umrisse unten, wie Sie dies tun sollten. Barry Carter, wer macht und vermarktet ormus ergänzt, berät diejenigen, die Inspiration oder Verwendung von ormus für Heilungszwecke, um die folgenden vorbereitenden Schritte zu ergreifen, um dann zu helfen, die Auswirkungen auf ihr Sein zu überwachen: Carter: FAQ 1. Liste aller Ihrer bestehenden gesundheitlichen Probleme Und eine medizinische Untersuchung erhalten, die die Existenz dieser Probleme dokumentiert. 2. Fotografiere jeden Teil des Körpers, der sich mit der ORMUS-Einnahme ändern könnte. Folgende Bereiche werden besonders vorgeschlagen: a. Das Gesicht mit Details von Falten und schlaffe Haut. B. Haarfarbe. Holen Sie sich gute Nahaufnahmen von jedem Haar, das grau geworden ist. C. Haarwachstum Muster und Dicke (dies würde Kahlheit und Haarausfall) d. Beide Seiten beider Hände. E. Irgendwelche Narben, Hautkrebs oder Hauterkrankungen wie Psoriasis oder Gürtelrose. F. Geschwollene Gelenke wie Fingergelenke, Knie, Handgelenke und Ellbogen. G. Jede gebrochene oder gebrochene Zähne und sichtbare Hohlräume. H. Ein Bild, das das ganze Körperprofil zeigt. ich. Ein Bild, das den ganzen Körper von vorne zeigt. J Ein Bild, das den ganzen Körper von hinten zeigt. K. Ein gutes Bild der Wirbelsäule, die jegliche Wirbelsäule fehlt. Die letzten drei Schritte oder Bilder zeigen Hüftrotationen, Unterschiede in Bein - oder Armlängen oder andere Haltungsprobleme und sollten mit wenig oder gar keiner Kleidung aufgenommen werden. Wenn Sie bescheiden sind, können Sie die Bilder mit einer Filmkamera machen, den Film unentwickelt lassen und an einem sicheren Ort aufbewahren. Frauen mögen Fotos machen, die die Brustgröße und den Durchhang zeigen, da beide Bedingungen mit der Verwendung von ORMUS-Stoffen bekannt sind. These pictures can be taken with a digital camera, a disposable film camera, a video camera or a regular film camera. Every person will not need to take every picture. Just take pictures of those areas where change might happen. 3. Make tracings of the feet and hands. Some people have reported that their fingers and toes have gotten longer. 4. Measure your height. This should be done immediately after rising from bed in the morning as this is the time of maximum height during the day. Some people may get as much as 1.5 inches shorter over the course of the day. Several people have reported ORMUS related changes in their height. One woman has gotten 3.5 inches taller at the age of 53. 5. Check the pH of your saliva and urine first thing in the morning and last thing at night for a week before starting with a new ORMUS product. 6. Document changes in frequency, color, odor and ease of urination. 7. Document any changes in stool softness, regularity, color and whether it floats or not. 8. Document any changes in the sound you hear when things are quiet. Many people have reported that they hear a sound in their head after using ORMUS for a while. This sound is called the quothuquot or quotnadaquot. Notice any changes in the frequency of this sound, it39s intensity or the nature of the sound. I always hear a high frequency sound at around 11,000 Hz and occasionally hear a chirping sound in my right ear. You can download a trial version of the NCH Tone Generator which can be used to compare frequency at: nch. autonegen 9. Document any noticeable changes in tooth pain, new teeth, tooth alignment, filling in of cavities or other changes in the teeth. 10. Women should document any changes in their period including changes in the level of menstrual cramping, PMS, periodicity changes, flow levels and resumption of menstruation after menopause. 11. Everyone should document changes in sexual response or orgasm intensity. 12. Some people have noticed that it is easier to quit addictive behaviors like smoking or other drug use. If you have any such addictions it would be helpful to document how those addictions change with the use of ORMUS. 13. Hair analysis can reveal mineral deficiencies over time. Before and after hair analysis would be helpful. 14. Blood tests can reveal immune system changes andor cancer indicators. If you think that these things might be changing with your ORMUS ingestion it will be helpful to get copies of these tests from your doctor. Ormus m-state elements work better if the body is alkali. M-state elements seem to work better when together in a mix helping each other as co-factors do. The material used to create m-state elements appears to define the properties that the m-state elements will have and behave. The dosage of ormus-m-elements in water that would have a safe effect on the human body has not been determined, although most m-elements appear to be safe. Avoid exposing ORMUS to sunlight or electromagnetic fields EMF . This would include things like cordless phones, cell phones, blue tooth devices, microwave ovens, electric burners, wireless networks and high voltage electric lines. Store ormus supplements by wrapping tin foil around ormus container and keep out of the sun. Back to top Dangers of monatomic gold: Chang reports as follows: quotMy understanding of monoatomic gold is that it does allow your body to operate at a level beyond ordinary conditions and gives you a great boost of energy. However, in the long run it can cause dangerous side effects for the reason that the current state of the human body cant handle high concentration of energy running through its biocircuitry. The side effects of white powder gold is similar to the side effects of drugs. The more you ingest it, the more your body depends on it and eventually it will degrade your health beyond repair. If you are planning to take white powder gold supplements to improve your health, pay attention to how your body reacts to it. If your body responds with side effects after taking white powder gold, you should stop ingesting it. Side effects are your bodys way of warning you to stop eating something that isnt healthy for you. Keep in mind that not all monoatomic gold supplements are created equally. quot Chang: Dangers of ormus gold 2014 Chang does not give any scientific or research reference to support his danger opinion. people who first took concentrated m-state materials into their body over a decade ago. There is no evidence that these materials are habituating, that is, they require higher and higher doses, or that they are addictive. On the contrary, people who have taken the m-state materials for a long time tend to reduce their intake as their physical ailments subside. Carter: subtleenergies Ormus m-state elements are claimed to be safe to ingest. Back to top List of a Few Places selling ormus supplements or products on the internet: incomplete list, you can find more ormus sellers on the internet The author does not advocate nor promote any of the sources selling ormus products. Today, there are many companies manufacturing products containing M-state substances. Some are working from a pure gold base, while others are using platinum group trace elements from sea sediments, ancient salt beds and volcanic or meteoric earth sources. Marketers may not disclose the raw material nor the ingredients of their products on the label. Please be aware that using ormus gold supplements on humans has not been evaluated in independent scientific studies. If you do use them, then you may be in uncharted waters experimenting on yourself. You should first read some of the testimonials: oremus gold testimonials Ormus sources: updated August 3, 2010. Humannagold: 2010 Ambrosia Technology, Ormus Products. P. O. Box 6, Raymond, WA 98577-0006 Phone: 360 942-5698 E-mail: atswillapabay. org Blue Water Alchemy LLC, P. O. Box 1104,150 Moonlight Way, Crestone, CO. 81131-1104: Blue Walter Colorado Carter Barry, White Powder Gold, PO Box 15626, Chattanooga, Tn 37415 (423)877-2478: Carter: WHITE POWDER GOLD Carter Barry, Life Enthusiast, 711 S. Carson St. suite 4 Carson City, NV 89701. 866 543 3388 GoldenGevity Inc. 6051 Business Center Court, Suite 4-404, San Diego, Ca. 92154 619-752-6777 email: salesgold2live GoldenGevity Hudson, David, Ormus chemical production techniques. Hudson: making ormus Monatomic-Orme, 2001 890 Mount Pleasant rd. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 2L4. E-Mail: adminmonatomic-orme, Monatomic-Orme Pureganic Minerals. PO. Box 701, Athol, Idaho 83801 Call 208.683.3143 email: gramaandersongmail Wolfe David, Longevity House, David wolfe39s Ormus Gold, topical skin. Wolfe: Ormus gold White Powder Gold, PO Box 15626, Chattanooga, Tn 37415 (423)877-2478: Gold-Platimum Mix Back to top Mining company interest in ormes: The mineral process industry has to accept that there are virtually an infinite number of cluster and charged colloid combinations in ormus m-elements like m-platinum and m-gold. Indeed, the current diatomic metallic elements represent just the traditional elements in the Periodic Table of Elements. Astute scientists now realize that there should be a second table of monatomic elements. It should be obvious by now that our earth has an infinity of elements on earth, many of which as yet are undiscovered. This lack of understanding is a stumbling block to the mineral industry being able to make m-elements. Hong Kong 1997 Forum previewed the future applications of ormus. THE OSMIUM BATTERY of the future will be capable of holding a single charge up to 3,000 miles. The inlay Osmium coating of a computer chip eliminates heat (0) resistance. This elimination of heat will increase the speed of tomorrows computers up to a 1,000Xs over todays computers. Osmium will be used in the future to turn ultraviolet light into electricity. Although future application of ormus by industry is a bright light, the mining industry is stuck in the previous century and experiencing growing pains. They are still figuring out how to 39mine39 ormus e-elements from soil and other raw materials. There is considerable interest by mining companies in the technology required to convert ORMEs to their metallic form. The yield increases by a factor of more than 4000. According to Hudson and confirmed by an independent source, no mining company has figured out how to do this. Hudson says the processing technique is highly proprietary and will not be disclosed. An independent source in the mining industry says it39s an impossibility and that many investors have lost millions trying. Monatomic elements Back to top Medical interest in m-elements: Researcher Sorochan searched the internet to find drug companies, universities and medical doctors conducting research aboutwith ormus m-elements from the years 1980 to 2014. Yes, when just searching with wording quotormus and white powder goldquot, there were many articles but not by universities or medical doctors. He found no such confirmation when using the wording ormus, white powder gold or m-state elements. But not finding such information, which may be occurring in secret or different worded format, does not mean that such research is not being conducted. Sorochan then reviewed numerous articles that dealt with cancer and ormus at the National Institutes of Health web-site and did not find any research articles that dealt directly with terms like ormus m-state elements. However he found scores of research articles dealing with transitional metals rhodium, platinum, gold and iridium in nanoparticle size. These articles do not disclose their source of nanoparticle nor relate these metals as sources for nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: is defined as the monitoring, repair, construction, and control of human biological systems at the molecular level using engineered nanodevices and nanostructures nano size is smaller than viruses . The new term for ormus m-elements in research is nanoparticles, nanostructures or nanmaterials. Cancer researchers seldom disclose how they got the nanoparticle material and never mention any relationship to ormus m-elements. Many researchers report using nanoparticles as carriers of anti-cancer therapeutics. It is unclear whether m-elements like white powder gold are the nanomaterial used in current cancer research. Significant progress has been made in the field of nanomedicine, resulting in a number of products, including therapeutics and imaging agents, enabling more effective and less toxic therapeutic and diagnostic interventions. The major applications of nanoparticle technology are in hard tissue implants, bone substitute materials, dental restoratives, soft tissue implants, and antibiotic materials. Hafner: International overview of nanoparticles 2014 Another interesting finding was that nanomedicine receives an estimated 40 of its funding from private investment. The development process in nanomedicine is clearly driven by startups and small and medium enterprises, whereas big corporations are not rushing to develop nanoparticle therapy. Hafner: International overview of nanoparticles 2014 The question is: Are nanoparticles the same as ormus m-state elements This is now an ongoing research in progress for this website article. Researcher Sorochan is currently attempting to find out and will update this issue. Meanwhile, here are some claims made on behalf of ormus m-elements and medical therapy. There is a lack of official acknowledgment from government agencies as to whether ormus m-elements research is being conducted by government agencies, medical doctors and drug corporations in the United States. Instead private citizen David Hudson acknowledged that he provided ORME materials to various medical doctors who have given them to patients with cancer. Hudson reported that, in the great majority of these cases, the cancer patients have recovered with indications that the cancer tissue reverted to normal tissue. Carter: Ormus medical research 2009 Hudson did not disclose the names of these doctors. Hudson also provided, in 1998, Rhodium to the National Institute of Health for in-vitro cancer studies. Carter: Ormus medical research 2009 There is no acknowledgement of this on the NIH website. The research was conducted on a very limited basis with conflicting results. A study at University of Illinois, tested Rhodium ORME on eight different cell lines no acknowledgement of this on the NIH website . This showed that Rhodium ORME was not toxic. Carter reported that, since Rhodium ORME did not act on cancer cells by killing them, many other mechanisms considered not normal in cancer research are now being investigated. Carter: Ormus medical research 2009 A Russian report that Dr. Vladimir Poponin and his scientists had discovered a phantom DNA effect from orme m-elements. Cancer cells exposed ORME m-elements reverted to normal cells in the body but do not do so in the petri dish. This different behavior was explained that there must be some factor such as m-element present in the body that is not present in a petri dish which promotes this reversion. One explanation could be that there is a non-material field congruent with the body which contains the information the DNA needs to repair itself. Poponin realized they had demonstrated a link (or coupling) between the electromagnetic energy of the DNA molecule and the zero energy vacuum substructure predicted by quantum physics. Carter: Ormus medical research 2009 In essence, DNA can connect to free energy in space an implication that mental telepathy between persons is possible. Poponin39s discovery was also supported by physicist Matti Pitkanen in 1997, who postulated that quantum coherence operates between our Universe and somewhere else and that this connection may be directly responsible for psychokinesis which is the direct control of matter by mind . Carter: Ormus medical research 2009 Scientists have proven that DNA can be reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies, giving credibility to meditation, acupuncture. Fosar Reprogramming DNA proven 2001 The magic white powder Gold is perceived as a substitute for a natural substance occurring in the human body. This substance is seratonin and the body manufacturer is the pea-shaped pineal gland. Medical research application of ormus m-elements in health appears to be going on in a stealth fashion by those more interested in making money than healing sick people. For example, researchers at the University of Texas, H. R. McDaniel M. D. and B. H. McAnalley, used rhodium, derived from aloe vera plant to make acemannan. Claims were made for acemannan that it cures cancer. Carrington Labs took over the product for marketing but had difficulty marketing the product and turned it over to Mannatech. Mannatech, a multi-level marketing firm, made unsubstantiated claims about their acemannan products that were formulated for human consumption. Mannatech, in turn, was ordered by the FDA to stop making false claims while marketing acemannan. Mannatech has a credibility history of FDA warnings about making false product claims. Consumer Digest Report 2007 Carter: health benefits of ormus The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2000 approved Carravet Acemannan Immunostimulant a spine-off of the original acemannan for use in the treatment of fibrosarcomas in dogs and cats. It has not been cleared for cancer treatment in humans. Meanwhile, the internet is full of marketers selling various mixes of ormus m-elements that claim to heal and improve wellbeing. Back to top Hudson, Carter and other ormus advocates are not the only ones promoting ormus m-element sources found in soils and plants. There are other competitive entities marketing similar supplements to ormus. A major one, fostered by Dr. Joel Wallach, is Youngevity. that is claimed to obtain colloidal minerals from humic shale. According to Wallach, humic shale often referred to as a special ancient rainforest deposit is mined, crushed, ground to a powder-like consistency, and placed into large stainless steel vats. The vats are then submerged in cool, contaminant free water at low temperatures. After 3-4 weeks, during which time water-soluble components of the shale enter into solution, the bitter-tasting leachate liquid that, in the course of passing through matter, extracts soluble or suspended solids, or any other component of the material through which it has passed. is siphoned off, filtered and ready for tonic, capsule, and oral-spray production. Advertisements state that colloidal supplements contain 75 minerals but overlook stating the amounts on supplement labels. Marketing companies interchangeably use the terms minerals and elements. Pontolillo: Safety colloidal supplements 1998 As of 2010, of the five such mines operating in Emery County, Utah, three supply main manufacturers with bulk quantities of shale leachate that are repackaged and sold as distinct products by a burgeoning network of multilevel distributors. The humate mines are generally small operations, and the tonnage produced is relatively small. Thus, the mines are generally active only intermittently, depending on market demand. Most, if not all, of the humate being mined in Utah is used as a nutritional supplement. Carroll: Wallach validity 2014 No matter what sort of health challenge a person may have, Dr. Wallach39s recommendation is always the same: quotStart by saturating with all 90 essential nutrients. Take one fluid ounce of ME Majestic Earth mineral. Minerals, one fluid ounce of ME. Ultimate Classic twice daily for 90 days. quot Many of his claims are not backed up with scientific control studies, but instead are anecdotal or fictional. Carroll: Wallach validity 2014 Difference between ormus and youngevity: Ormus and youngevity speak different languages. That is, each uses a different term to describe itself e. g. ormus uses m-elements while youngevity uses colloidal minerals. Are these two terms referring to the same substance Modern day alchemists refine ormus monoatomic elements from volcanic soil, ocean water andor salt beds as a single m-element ingredient and can package it in their supplements as a single element or as a mix whereas youngevity gets its raw material from special soil called humic shale, and then packages all the leachate ingredients in the supplements. Youngevity adds other substances like herbs, blueberries, strawberries and orange juice to sweeten the taste or vitamins, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients. The question is: are ormus and youngevity supplements similar The answer is a future research project. Researcher Sorochan e-mailed Youngevity with pertinent questions about its products, but responses neglected to provide answers. Both marketers of ormus and youngevity products lack transparency research disclosure and documentation to back up their claims. Back to top What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic materials that have ceramic-like properties. Davis: Blue Emerald Having two opposite diatomic vs monatomic views of elements does contribute to confusion and controversy. Limited spectroscopy: Another issue adding fuel to controversy is the lack of admission from chemical and physics-metal experts in admitting that traditional spectroscopy techniques are unable to identify ormus matter. A major cause of controversy is traditional science being unable to use its conventional analysis of spectroscopy to detect and identify monatomic elements in using conventional procedures used for identifying diatomic elements. None of the detection techniques of analytical chemistry can detect monatomic elements. They can only detect elements by interacting with their valence electrons. Because the valence electrons of monatomic atoms are not detected, the m-element atoms are unidentifiable. To detect a monatomic element requires that you first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state to allow the element to be detected with conventional instrumentation. As a result, this phase of matter has existed as a stealth material right under the noses of scientists without detection until very recently. Although numerous scientists are recognizing the mysterious stealth matter, many more defend their old science mis-understanding that elements only exist in a diatomic state. Generating skepticism about ormus matter is the lack of Federal agencies, such as NASA, Food and Drug Administration FDA and Institutes of Health, in publically admitting that they are investigating ormus matter. Bioavailability lacking for ormus: Another big issue is the lack of evidence of bioavailability for ormus m-state elements: There are claims by Hudson that m-state elements are absorbed into the body, but the amount absorbed are weak details, their affects on the body and how they really work have not been validated by independent research. Copy cat validatrion: Many web-site companies marketing ormus products attempt to validate their products by referring to Hudson and his reference that Carrington Labs a made product acemannan cures cancer inferring that it is being used in medicine. Hudson originally made the claim about 1990 and the FDA has since brought lawsuits prohibiting Carrington and its marketing partner, Mannatech, from claiming that ormus cures cancer as well as selling acemannan to cure cancer in humans. So the claim that ormus cures cancer as proclaimed by many ormus marketers is incorrect while at the same time federal agencies are reputed to be investigating same. A lot of hypocrisy here Consumer Digest Report 2007 Linking space travelers to ormus: Ormus and white gold powder have been linked to the space travelers from outer space referred to as Anannuki, who were reported to have visited Sumeria, land now referred to as Iraq, about 6000 years ago. Author Zecharia Sitchin introduced the ancient myths about Nibiru as Planet X and the alien visitors of the Annunaki in 1976. Numerous anthropologists have questioned the authenticity of tchin39s Semerian tablet writings and his stories about space travelers. Questioning such connections raises controversy about linkage to white powder gold and ormus. Hudson claims contradicted: Russian scientists at the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Earth39s in Kiev explicitly state in their literature that atoms in lattice structures are metallic in nature and that these same atoms in the monatomic state are ceramic in nature. However, Dr. Kogan of the institute does not support all of Hudson39s findings as being scientifically valid. It would be worthwhile if we could obtain a detailed critique of Hudson39s work from that institute. Davis: Blue Emerald The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. These differences are currently being investigated by nuclear physicists so it isn39t possible to make an exhaustive list of the differences. Davis: Blue Emerald Mysterious activity: Baffling the new alchemy of ormus is that when ormus is transmutated from raw ingredients like ocean water and organic salt, and when inadvertently exposed to Electro-Magnetic-Forces EMF or sunlight, ormus loses its electrical magic properties. Rhodium disappears in a flash of light when left out in the sun. This can become a mystery to skeptical novice researchers of ormus and contribute to controversy. Ormus not linked to Tesla free energy: Ormus is claimed to be found in air, soil, water and living things. Nicolas Tesla, the father of electricity, claimed that he could capture the free energy from the air and convert it into electricity. He even demonstrated this feat by replacing a gasoline engine in a car with an electric motor that got its electricity from the air. He demonstrated his new free energy system by driving the electric car around Buffalo, New York, area for over two weeks. It is interesting that experts of Ormus fail to mention this link of ormus to free energy of Tesla. Ormus claimes not evaluated: The claims made about benefits from ormus supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA US Food amp Drug Administration. Although anecdotal evidence, since 1980, has been published for healing benefits, such publications do not replace the need for independent research validation. Mining claims contradicted by modern alchemists: Because the percentage of ORMEs in certain, particularly rich volcanic soils is so high (up to 6 percent) in comparison with normal high-grade ore up to 0.0015 percent, there is considerable interest by mining companies in the technology required to convert m-state ORMEs to their metallic form. The yield increases by a factor of more than 4000. According to Hudson, no mining company has figured out how to do this. Hudson states that his processing technique is highly proprietary and will not be disclosed. An independent source in the mining industry says it39s an impossibility and that many investors have lost millions trying. This viewpoint has been contradicted by modern alchemists who have been able to convert white powder gold into metallic gold. Gospel truth not truth: The basis for many of Barry Carter39s powerful ormus products are drawn from quotnon-traditionalquot information such as David Hudson39s antiquainted experiences. Many have taken Hudson39s ormus information as the 39gospel truth.39 David Hudson and many of the early inorganic chemistry ormus workers, have always stated freely that that they believed that ormus forms of elements are extremely prevalent in nature, both in inorganic forms in rock, sand, soil and seawater, and in organic forms in soil, seawater and in many plant foods including carrots and grape juice. Although not questioning whether plant foods have ormus properties, it is important to note that good research has yet to prove this. Pinto: Ormus critique 2014 Ormus terminology can be misleading: Pinto has pointed out that there is a wide discrepancy in what is meant by ormus terminology. This may have contributed to much of the confusion and controversy about ormus that exists today. For example, the methods e. g. wet or dry method of making ormus products may not be making the same m-state elements. And yet, vendors selling their products name them as m-element ormus products and refer to them as having the same properties. An ormus product made in two different ways may result in two different Ormus-like effects on the same or two different persons. Pinto: Ormus critique 2014 The research about ormus seems to be quothush-hush. quot Is ormus and its research being suppressed Are mining companies experimenting with modern alchemy in hopes of finding more inexpensive metallic minerals and keeping quiet to preserve their trade secrets Back to top Interesting link to ormus matter: Anannaki origin of people on earth video 32:20 mns: Anannaki origin 2014 Two competitive supplements that have similar raw material sources ---- ormus and youngevity were reviewed. Researchers since 1990 have validated that ormus m-elements do exist. Ormus m-elements appear to be essential nutrients for life and they may be more important than synthetic metallic ones. Unfortunately, claims made for ormus and youngevity are poorly documented. A claim or opinion is not solid documentation. It is most difficult to find substantiated research documented references to verify that ormus and white powder gold are for real. Many arm-chair entrepreneurs are selling white gold supplements without proof that their potions really contain white powder gold or other ormus m-state elements or that their supplements really work. They also appear to be guessing about the dosage of m-element to be taken Researcher Sorochan searched the internet in an effort to validate claims made for ormus products. While he contacted several persons about the validity of claims made for their ormus products, their responses did not provide documentation proof for their claims. Having explored many sources of information about ormus, what can be concluded about it We do know the following about ormus: 1. it does exist in a monatomic state and it is different from the metallic state 2. we can identify it as being different from diatomic metals 3. we can find it in mother nature prospect for it 4. we can make it modern alchemy 5. we can speculate about its healing properties But what we do not have is undisputed research proof that it heals and prevents diseases and extends life in humans. Lots of speculation from observing plants, animals treated with ormus and a few restimonials from individuals espousing benefits but not genuine proof from independent researchers about human benefits. However, there is enough research support for Ormus, also referred to as white gold powderliquid and m-state elements, to respect the possibility that ormus could be real . Hudson: monatomic ormie Although ormus is claimed to have magical, spiritual, parapsychic, levitational, healing, altering time - space and energy properties, science and medicine have as yet not fully understood nor accepted the possibilities of ormus. Modern scientists have confirmed the existence of ormus with quantum physics but stopped short of accepting that elements in the Periodic Table can exist in both monatomic and diatomic states. Scientists have difficulty applying quantum physics, resonance and photon light waves to understanding ormus. However, lack of understanding and real proof does not diminish the real possibility that ormus and its benefits may exist. Ormus elements are found in air, water, soils, plants and animals. Ormus commercials tempt you to buy their ormus powderliquid supplements on line. They borrow 39belief statements39 from Hudson and Carter to sanctify their products and websites. But most do not mention that you can safely get similar ormus benefits from eating raw foods. Plant roots have the ability to convert metallic elements in the soil into bioabsorbable monatomic elements which plants can then absorb. You do ingest ormus m-state elements in very small quantities when you drink clean spring water and eat raw vegetables, fruits and seeds nuts, grains. Ofcourse, the FDA, NIH, Department of Agriculture and nutritional groups do NOT recognize nor admit ormus M-state elements. although they are very much aware of ormus. It is their 39power control mojo39 You should be aware that Hudson and many of his supporters have advocated caution in using or ingesting ormus supplements: Quote -- quotThe processes described here have not all been tested extensively. We do not guarantee the procedures in this document, nor the results obtained by using them. To the extent that you use or implement these procedures or the products thereof, you do so at your own risk. In no event will the authors of this document be liable to you, anyone else, or any organization or government, for any damages arising from your use, or your inability to use these procedures or the product thereof. Apply these procedures at your own risk. quot A major problem is that ormus m-state elements may not have the same outcome affect on all users. It is also important to be aware that if ormus was to be applied to heal the many diseases and fix health problems by medical doctors, that such a happening would necessitate changing our health care culture from being a sick care system to that of a real health preventative care system. This indeed would be a world political-economic cultural revolution in more ways than just a change in the current health care system. Ormus also has the potential to fertilize worn out crop fields and vastly increase food production for a hungry world. If we did get such changes, most of those living today might probably live to between 300 and 1000 years. The vast majority of people are unaware of ormus. The door for ormus appears to be partially closed to the general public for now. It is closed only partially just like our ability to find metallic gold and become rich. we need to prospect and find it and exchange it for money or other benefits. There are prospectors of manatomic white powder gold who claim to have found it but as yet are unable to attract and convince those with financial-political power to market it to the world. Without such acknowledgement, ormus is under wraps and undercover for now David Hudson, 2011, discusses ormus in video below 2:54:11 hrs: Adam Sean, Etherium gold improves brain balance and learning ability, AlphaLearning Institute, World Trade Center, C. P. 317 - 6982 Agno - Lugano, Switzerland, January 15, 2003. Adam: mono gold improves brain 2003 Adams Mike, quotProduct review: Ormus Greens from SunWarrior - a new class of superfood greensquot Natural News, March 09, 2010. Adams Ormus greens 2010 Anderson David Lewis, quotAlcubierre Warp Drive An Overview and Comparison, quot The Anderson Institute, 2012. Anderson: Space travel in warp 2012 quotNASA in 2012 discussed a warp drive that enables faster-than-light travel by warping space-time around it. In essence, Miguel Alcubierre proposed a device that causes the space in front of the spacecraft to contract, while the space behind it expands. This creates a warp bubble that carries the spacecraft through space-time at 10 times the speed of light. We know from our observations of the universe that such deformation of space-time is probably possible, but in this case theres a huge step between theoretical and experimental possibility. quot Anderson illustrates warp speed that he links to hidden ormus properties 1:30mn Arvizo Rochelle, Resham Bhattacharya, and Priyabrata Mukherjee, Gold nanoparticles: Opportunities and Challenges in Nanomedicine, Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2010 Jun 7(6): 753763. Arvizo: Gold Nanoparticle changes 2010 This research has 99 studies to its credit. Bjerve Andreas, The Biocrystal, Fractal-Holographic Universe. Bjerve: biocrystals Cai Weibo, Ting Gao, Hao Hong, and Jiangtao Sun, Applications of gold nanoparticles in cancer nanotechnology, Nanotechnol Sci Appl. 2008 Sep 2008(1). Cai: gold targeting cancer 2008 Carroll, Robert T. Joel D. Wallach, the mineral doctor, The Skeptics Dictionary, April 25, 2014. Carroll: Wallach validity 2014 Carter Barry, quotDocumenting plant sizes. quot Carter: plant sizes Carter Barry, quotLiving water, Living air. quot Cater: living water Carter Barry, quotMonatomic, Diatomic or Whatquot Carter: Monatomic or what Bosons all have an even number of sub-particles while fermions have an odd number of sub-particles. The smallest unit of gold atoms, which could be a boson, is a diatom. Carter Barry, ORMUS and Nano-Bacteria, Life Enthusiast, June 10.2012. Carter: nano-bacteria teeth 2012 Carter Barry, quotOrmus, DNA Repair and Health. quot Carter: Ormus amp DNA repair Carter Barry, quotOrmus - scientific overview. quot Carter: Scientific overview Carter Barry, quotWhat Is ORMUS. quot Life Enthusiat, June 10, 2012. Carter: what is ormus 2012 Cellular resonancequot Quantum Nutrition center. Cellular resonance Chang PL, quotMonoatomic Gold: Is It a Danger to Your Healthquot EnergyFanatics. July 7th, 2014. Chang: Dangers of ormus gold 2014 Clements Len, Wall Street Journal Hits Mannatech, MarketWave, Inc. May 30, 2007. Clements: Mannatech FDA warnings 2007 Cobley CM1, Au L, Chen J, Xia Y. Targeting gold nanocages to cancer cells for photothermal destruction and drug delivery, Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2010 May7(5):577-87. Cobley: gold nanocages kill cancer 2010 Gold nanocages are hollow, porous structures with compact sizes and precisely controlled plasmonic properties and surface chemistry. Gold nanocages are a promising platform for cancer therapy in terms of both photothermal destruction and drug delivery. Coetzee H. Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life, The Academy for Future Science, 2014 Originally published in Future History, Volume 8. Coetzee: biomagnetism 2014 Cornell Eric, Deborah Jin, and Jun Ye, The Wonderful World of Ultracold, JILA Science, University of Colorado, Boulder 2015. Cornell: Ultracold cooper-pairs amp research 2015 Davis Jason, Blue Emerald Alchemy, Davis: Blue Emerald Donker Mike, quotOrmus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential, Natural News, February 24, 2008. Donker: Medicinal gold 2008 Duncan Michael A. Dennis H. Rouvray, Microclusters, Scientific American, 1989, 261, 110 - 115 Duncan: Microclusters 1989 Recognized that small element clusters could change form EXO 16:15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. Biblical ormus Fosar Grazyna and Franz Bludorf, Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies, Wake Up World, Vernetzte Intelligenz (German) Hardcover March 1, 2001. Fosar Reprogramming DNA proven 2001 Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars). These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper communication is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worries or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. We now know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from the network and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or remote sensing about the state of relatives etc. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper communication. Gardner, Laurence, Bloodline of the Holy Grail . 1996-1997, Barnes amp Noble Books, New York Genesis of the Grail Kings, 1999, Bantam Press, New York Realm of the Ring Lords, 2000, Media Quest, Ottery St. Mary, England and most importantly: Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Powers of Gold, 2003, HarperCollins, London. Gardner Lawrence, quotOrmus Products amp M-State Elements, quot Graal. co. uk, Copyright 2002 - 2015. Gardner: M-state products 2015 Book: Lost Secrets of The Sacred Ark 2005 Georgeson Brendan, quotMonoatomic Gold, Ormus, Benefits of Ormus Gold, quot Alchemical Elixirs, Australia, January 3. 2015. Sells White gold products such as: Pure Organic Ormus Lotion 125mls 4.2 FL US ozs A45.00 Phone: 54745997 Website: Georgeson: Benefits of gold 2015 Hafner Anita, Jasmina Lovri, Gorana Perina Lako, and Ivan Pepi, quotNanotherapeutics in the EU: an overview on current state and future directions, quot Int J Nanomedicine. 2014 9: 10051023. Hafner: International overview of nanoparticles 2014 We discuss the regulatory pathway and initiatives endeavoring to ensure the safe and timely clinical translation of emerging nanotherapeutics and realization of health care benefits. Hall MD, Mellor HR, Callaghan R, Hambley TW.,Basis for design and development of platinum(IV) anticancer complexes, J Med Chem 2007 July 2850(15):3403-11. Medicinal use of platinum nanoparticles is not well known, rather platinum compounds are more popular as anti-tumor agents (cis-platin and its derivatives) Hall: Platinum medical use 2007 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Hall: rhodium damages DNA 1996 Hamilton Ray, What Are Some Natural Sources For Ormus Minerals October 24, 2010. Hamilton: Ormus products 2010 Address: P. O. Box 513, Caldwell, ID 83606 208-546-5667 E-Mail: infoormusminerals Hudson David, NON-METALLIC, MONOATOMIC FORMS OF TRANSITIONAL ELEMENTS, Hudson Australian Invention patent, June 19,1989. Hudson Autralia ormus patent 1989 Hudson, David, Ormus chemical production techniques. quot Hudson: making ormus Jain S. MB, Bch, D G Hirst, and J M OSullivan, Gold nanoparticles as novel agents for cancer therapy, Br J Radiol. 2012 Feb 85(1010): 101113. Jain: gold in cancer therapy 2012 There are 87 research references Jelveh Salomeh and Devika B. Chithrani, Gold Nanostructures as a Platform for Combinational Therapy in Future Cancer Therapeutics, Cancers 2011, 3, 1081-1110. Jelveh: Gold NP cancer therapy 2011 In this review article, the recent progress in the development of gold-based NPs towards improved therapeutics is discussed. Gold nanostructures provide a versatile platform to integrate many therapeutic options leading to effective combinational therapy in the fight against cancer. Gold nanostructures can be synthesized with different sizes and shapes to tailor the absorption wavelength to NIR region for generation of heat. A multifunctional platform based on gold nanostructures with targeting ligands, therapeutic molecules, and imaging contrast agents, holds an array of promising directions for cancer research. Recently more attention has been given to develop inorganic NP-based systems, such as gold and magnetic NPs, for drug delivery and therapeutics. 164 references cited Jittapiromsak N1, Sahawat D, Banlunara W, Sangvanich P, Thunyakitpisal P. quot Acemannan, an extracted product from Aloe vera, stimulates dental pulp cell proliferation, differentiation, mineralization, and dentin formation, quot Tissue Eng Part A, June 16,201016(6):1997-2006. Jittapiromsak: Acemannan restores teeth 2010 Jungwirth Ute, Christian R. Kowol, Bernhard K. Keppler, Christian G. Hartinger, Walter Berger, and Petra Heffeter, Anticancer Activity of Metal Complexes: Involvement of Redox Processes, Antioxid Redox Signal, August 15, 2011,15(4): 10851127. Jungwirth: Review anticancer activity 2011 This review cites 428 research articles Katsaros N1, Anagnostopoulou A. Rhodium and its compounds as potential agents in cancer treatment, Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2002 Jun42(3):297-308. Katsaros: Rhodium cancer potential 2002 Lakshmanan Santana Bala, GoldCopper Sulphide and Gold Nanoparticles for application in cancer therapy, Masters Thesis, Master of Science in materials Science Engineering, The University of texas at Arlington, December 2011. Lakshmanan: Nanoparticles in cancer therapy 2011 Mannatech - FDA and rhodium cancer cure claims: Consumer Digest Report 2007 Mannatech sued by Texas Attorney General. Mannatech, Inc. its owner, Samuel L. Caster, and several related entities have been charged with carrying out an illegal marketing scheme that encourages consumers to believe that its products are effective against many serious diseases. Consumer Health Digest 07-25 July 3, 2007. Mannatech claims attacked. Ronald L. Schnaar, Ph. D. (a prominent pharmacologist) and Hudson H. Freeze, Ph. D. (a prominent glycobiology researcher) have accused Mannatech of making unwarranted claims for its glyconutrient (sugar-based) products. Schnaar RL, Freeze HH. A glyconutrient sham. Glycobiology 18:652-657, 2008. Mannatech suggests that these products can help consumers achieve optimal health and that their use is supported by scientific research. However, the researchers have concluded that except for rare patients with certain types of congenital disorders, no well-designed studies have demonstrated that humans can benefit clinically from ingesting the key ingredients in the products. They also note that some studies that Mannatech cites are legitimate but have no relevance to it health claims. In 2007, the Texas Attorney General accused Mannatech of violating the Texas Deceptive Practices Act by encouraging and allowing their distributors to make claims that mislead consumers into believing that the supplements dramatically cure or treat serious illnesses. State of Texas vs. Mannatech Incorporated, Manna Relief Industries, The Fisher Institute, Samuel L. Caster, and Reginald McDaniel. District Court of Travis County, Cause No. D-1-GV-07-001386, filed July 5, 2007 That case is still pending. August 19, 2008 Marques M. P. M. Platinum and Palladium Polyamine Complexes as Anticancer Agents: The Structural Factor, ISRN Spectroscopy, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 287353, 29 pages. Review Article. Marques: Platinum and Palladium anticancer 2013 The present paper addresses the latest developments in the design of novel antitumor agents based on platinum and palladium Meade and Kayyem, Electron transfer through DNA: site specific modification of duplex DNA with ruthenium donors and acceptors, quot Agnew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl, 1995, 34:352 354. ruthenium affect on DNA, Scientific American, May 1995. Meade: ruthenium complex DNA 1995 The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of double-helix DNA in which there was a atom at each end of one of the strands. Meade and Kayyem estimated from earlier studies that a short single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second. Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than 10,000 times-over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire. Murthy Shashi K, Nanoparticles in modern medicine: State of the art and future challenges, Int J Nanomedicine. 2007 Jun 2(2): 129141. Murthy: Nanoparticles in modern medicine 2007 Nance Don, Ocean Alchemy Inventors Story, Lfe Enthusiast Magazine, September 20, 2012 originally published in The Art Of Well-Being Magazine, Summer 2001. Nance: testimonial M-3 works 2001 Novakova Olga, Jana Kasparkova, Jaroslav Malina, Giovanni Natile,1 and Viktor Brabec, DNAprotein cross-linking by trans-PtCl2(E-iminoether)2. A concept for activation of the trans geometry in platinum antitumor complexes, Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 Nov 15 31(22): 64506460. Novakova: Platinum affect on DNA 2003 Penre Wes, quotThe Great White Brotherhood, quot lluminati News, June 8, 2004. original source unknown Penre: White gold brotherhood 2004 Pinto Vinny, A Guide to Some Ormus-Like Technologies, March 26, 2014. Pinto: Ormus critique 2014 Pontolillo James, Colloidal Mineral Supplements: Unnecessary and Potentially Hazardous, Quackwatch, 1998. Pontolillo: Safety colloidal supplements 1998 Sanjeev Soni, Himanshu Tyagi, Robert A. Taylor, Amod Kumar, Role of optical coefficients and healthy tissue-sparing characteristics in gold nanorod-assisted thermal therapy, International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2013, Vol. 29, No. 1. Pages 87-97. Two forms of nanomedicine that have already been tested in mice and are awaiting human trials that will be using gold nanoshells to help diagnose and treat cancer, and using liposomes as vaccine adjuvants and as vehicles for drug transport. Sanjeev: human trials using gold nanoshells treat cancer 2013 Sitchin, Zecharia, Books: The 12th Planet . 1976, The Stairway to Heaven . 1980, The Wars of Gods and Men . 1985, The Lost Realms . When Time Began . Genesis Revisited . 1990, Divine Encounters . 1995, Avon Books, New York. Spivak Mykola Ya, Rostyslav V Bubnov, corresponding author, Ilya M Yemets, Liudmyla M Lazarenko, Natalia O Tymoshok, and Zoia R Ulberg, Development and testing of gold nanoparticles for drug delivery and treatment of heart failure: a theranostic potential for PPP cardiology, EPMA J. 2013 4(1): 20. Spivak: gold nanoparticles heart failure 2013 Gold nanoparticles were obtained by chemical condensation, by restoring a gold-hydrochloric acid, sodium citrate in the presence of potassium carbonate. The working solution of gold nanoparticles of size 30 nm were prepared using a 5 glucose solution so that the concentration of gold nanoparticles in solution was 1.17 mgkg. Tests for biosafety and biocompatibility of gold nanoparticles and conjugate were performed according to standard requirements, assessing the appearance (color, size, and shape) of nanoparticles, contamination by extraneous bacterial and fungal microflora, and mycoplasma contamination. Stevenson K. A. G. Muralidharan, L. Maya, J. C. Wells, J. Barhen, and T. G. Thundat, quotCovalent Attachement of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates, J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 2002. Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research, ORNL. Stevenson: Gold nanoparticles attached to DNA 2002 Sun Zhenhua, Zhi Yang, Jianhua Zhou, Man Hau Yeung, Weihai Ni, Hongkai Wu, and Jianfang Wang, A General Approach to the Synthesis of GoldMetal SulfideCoreShell and Heterostructures, Angewandte Chemie, Angew Chem. 2009, 121, 2925 2929. Sun: Synthesis of gold nanoparticles 2009 We report a general method for the synthesis of water-dispersible goldmetal sulfide coreshell and heterostruc-tures. Hybrid nanostructures made up of Au nanocrystals of varying shapes and different transition metal sulfide semi-conductors (ZnS, CdS, Ag2S, NiS, and CuS) have been successfully synthesized following a similar procedure. Taylor Roger, quotThe Magic and Myserty of Ormus Elements. quotOrmus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential, quot Natural News, Nexus Magazine, February - March 2007, Volume 14, Number 2. Taylor: magic of ormus Venugopal J, Prabhakaran MP, Low S, Choon AT, Zhang YZ, Deepika G, Ramakrishna S, Nanotechnology for nanomedicine and delivery of drugs, Curr Pharm Des. 2008 14(22):2184-200. Venugopal: Nanomedine 2008 Wendell Michael ZJ. Internet Silicon Investor. Wendell: Companies refusing to admit conventional science is wrong It is a shame that some companies working in the field of cluster and micro colloid chemistryphysics refuse to admit that they are working in a field of chemistry that varies from what has been the conventional thinking until recent years. By this denial, they leave the doors open via the more recent research to demonstrate their ignorance and infact lay the ground work as exposure to fraudulent perceptions. There are good people out there doing the research and making an honest effort to tell of their findings. They are at universities, basement labs and in most countries every where. Begin living your success story, your way, with Heritage Makers Join thousands of consultants who have turned their passion into paychecks as they help others celebrate photos and memories Before we get started, here are a few things you will need: Tax Information Wersquoll need tax information such as your SSN for residents of the United States and SIN for residents of Canada. Please note that at this time Heritage Makers may only accept applications from residents of the USA and Canada. Consultant KitBuild your business, your way To get off to a great start, choose the Consultant kit thatrsquos right for you Heritage Makers offers four fantastic kits: 25.00 Consultant e-Welcome Kit ndash lifetime consultantship, Virtual Office and Consultant website. 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This is typical of virtual office space. As such, MyAvertisingPays8217 being located in Anguilla appears to be in name only, indicating a lack of belief in the company8217s business model will stand up to the regulatory scrutiny in the US. Named as CEO and Founder of MyAdvertisingPays is Mike Deese (he also goes by 8220Michael Deese8221). Deese is based out of the US state of Mississippi (where MyAdvertisingPays is actually run out of), and circa early 2013 was an affiliate of Rocket Cash Cycler: Rocket Cash Cycler was a matrix-based pyramid scheme that charged participants 315 to join, and then paid them 5000 when enough new recruits had joined. In the article 8220Get to know Mike 8220, posted on a marketing blog set up to promote Deese and MyAdvertisingPays, Deese hints that he8217s been repeatedly burned by opportunities that have collapsed: I would work so hard to create a reliable income and help others do the same, only to have the business shut down and take all of our collective hard work with it. Deese doesn8217t explicitly mention which businesses he was an affiliate of. In another blog post, titled 8220Why MyAdvertisingPays will Succeed Where Many Others Have Failed 8220, Deese demonstrates some knowledge of the Ponzi and pyramid scheme underbelly of the MLM industry, specifically referencing Zeek Rewards, Profitable Sunrise and Fortune High-Tech Marketing. Whether or not Deese was an affiliate in any of those programs however, is unclear. I was unable to find any mention of Deese running any other MLM companies, indicating that MyAdvertisingPays is his first attempt at running a company. Read on for a full review of the MyAdvertisingPays MLM business opportunity. The MyAdvertisingPays Product Line MyAdvertisingPays has no retailable products or services. The company does market three 8220solutions8221 on its website, however visitors must sign up as an affiliate before they can purchase anything. Once an affiliate has signed up, they are then able to purchase advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the MyAdvertisingPays website. Some of these ads are also shown to MyAdvertisingPays affiliates, who are required to view them to qualify for a daily ROI. The MyAdvertisingPays Compensation Plan The MyAdvertisingPays compensation plan revolves around affiliates signing up and then investing in 49.99 8220credit packs8221. Each credit pack is invested in on the promise of an advertised 60 ROI. Taken from MyAdvertisingPays8217 FAQ: The cost for one Credit Pack is 49.99. This product also has a profit-sharing element attached to it. Each Credit Pack you purchase will return you 60 over time. To qualify for their daily ROI, MyAdvertisingPays affiliates 8216 must click on 10 ads daily 8216. MyAdvertisingPays don8217t guarantee a minimum daily ROI, but do specify that the amount they can pay out is determined by how much new affiliate money flows into the business: Payouts depend on the volume of sales. At times, volume will be higher than others, so ones earnings will vary accordingly. 8220Sales8221 of course being code for affiliate investment in credit packs. Referral commissions are offered on credit pack investments made by recruited affiliates, paying out a 10 commission. This is apparently extendable to 18, however MyAdvertisingPays do not provide specific details on their website. They do however indicate that the increase is tied into the number of new investors an affiliate brings into the scheme: All you have to do is introduce others to M. A.P. I8217ve also seen some social media talk about referral commissions being tied into membership levels: Anyone anywhere can achieve the 10 referral commission level without paying for any Membership Levels This indicates the possibility of referral commissions being determined by how much a MyAdvertisingPays affiliate pays in membership fees. Joining MyAdvertisingPays Affiliate membership to MyAdvertisingPays is 24.99 annually. Free membership is available, however free affiliates can only earn referral commissions (by getting other to invest). Conclusion Using the familiar advertising credit Ponzi scheme business model, MyAdvertisingPays simple shuffle new affiliate money around to pay off existing investors. The screenshot below, taken from an advertising video that plays on the MyAdvertisingPays website, spells out the Ponzi nature of the business even further: Affiliates buy in at 49.99 a pop, are given some busybody work to do (click ads), in return for a 120 ROI (60). In an effort to differentiate itself from your standard Ponzi scheme, MyAdvertisingPays has come up with some baloney about a 8220reserve fund8221: Does M. A.P. have a reserve fund Yes Aside from the initial reserve fund provided by the Company, a portion of all incoming funds are re-directed to a reserve fund ensuring level payouts continue over the long-term. The truth of the matter is that all Ponzi schemes launch with a reserve fund, otherwise they wouldn8217t be able to initially pay out the gt100 ROIs all Ponzi schemes offer. The problem is what happens when that reserve fund runs out No matter how much money a Ponzi scheme starts with, the 8220paying out more money than is initially invested8221 business model guarantees all Ponzi schemes will run out of money sooner or later (once new investment dries up). What happens then Update 7th April 2016 8211 In an effort to reduce ROI liability, My Advertising Pays has introduced monthly fees for affiliates. Entry 8211 no cost and capped at 14 active investments Casual 8211 10.99 EUR a month in fees and capped at 75 active investments Professional 8211 26.99 EUR a month in fees and capped at 250 active investments Free Time 8211 55.99 EUR a month in fees and capped at 500 active investments New Lifestyle 8211 99.99 EUR a month in fees and capped at 1000 active investments My Advertising Pay8217s new affiliate fees represent ROI clawbacks of almost 1200 EUR annually. Casual 8211 131.88 EUR paid back Professional 8211 323.88 EUR paid back Free Time 8211 671.88 EUR paid back New Lifestyle 8211 1199.88 EUR paid back Other than My Advertising Pays affiliates earning less money, there doesn8217t appear to be any other changes made to the company8217s compensation plan. Related Content Exhibit A: MAP compensation plan Payouts depend on the volume of sales. At times, volume will be higher than others, so ones earnings will vary accordingly. As was written in the review, Sales of course being code for affiliate investment in credit packs. You can8217t even see the giant Ponzi infront of your eyes (or in the interest of recouping your investment, choose not no). FOR ME and perhaps your readers you have lots to investigate MAP8217s compensation plan is done and dusted. It8217s a cookie-cutter ad-credit Ponzi scheme. I DONT HIDE UNDER ANYONES SKIRTS if you need a contact with Mike you know where to find me Under his skirt You cant even see the giant Ponzi infront of your eyes (or in the interest of recouping your investment, choose not no). No I am not greedy and I like his advertising 8230 job done MAPs compensation plan is done and dusted. Its a cookie-cutter ad-credit Ponzi scheme. Which one did you look at we have no guidlines here No not a cookie cutter. shows how little you know has been put into this business8230.. Under his skirt This comment just shows your unprofessional manner8230no comment necessary8230 No I am not greedy and I like his advertising You and I both know you wouldn8217t be investing with MAP if it wasn8217t promising you Ponzi ROIs. Which one did you look at The comp plan that was available at the time of publication. If it8217s no longer available, that8217s understandable. Ponzi admins often engage in cover-ups after a BehindMLM review is published. That of course does not change the business model itself, which remains the same. That in this case being an obvious Ponzi investment scheme. No not a cookie cutter. shows how little you know has been put into this business Blahblahblah, advertising credits used to front an obvious Ponzi scheme. Seen it what must be hundreds of times before. Look, I get this is your first rodeo8230 but other than playing the Ponzi pimp persona to a 8216t8217 all you8217re really doing at this point is embarrassing yourself. Nobody outside of the Ponzi industry takes crappy advertising credit schemes like this seriously. (Ozedit: Stay on topic. Protip: Complaining about a conspiracy theory against you and spitting the dummy in your next comment will be marked as spam) Look, I get this is your first rodeo but other than playing the Ponzi pimp persona to a t all youre really doing at this point is embarrassing yourself. Sorry HONEY. I look at you at think why dont you take your job more seriously If people are being informed by your posts they should have up to date information right Follow ups Etc Nobody outside of the Ponzi industry takes crappy advertising credit schemes like this seriously. Well actually they do. 47,000 members take it seriously8230 In my opinion this is a poorly written article. That8217s the opening, which sounds like just another Ponzi scammer whinging. To top it off about halfway he launched into the typical bait and switch and starts spamming. This article is based on the MAP compensation plan and business model, you can8217t get any closer to the source than that. All quotes are cited, either from the MAP website itself or linked third-parties. Anytime your friend says 8220I don8217t know where he got that from8221, that8217s an admission he cannot explain the blatant Ponzi aspects of the business. It8217s a strawman attempt to question the source of the article rather than to address the material itself. Basically your 8220friend8221 really wants to push the MAP spam he8217s attached to the second half of the video, using the bait and switch of pretending to address the BehindMLM review. Feel free to address any of the concerns raised in the article, but please don8217t link to poorly presented Ponzi investor videos. We8217ve heard all the excuses, nothing justifies a blatant Ponzi scheme. Your friend is just clutching at straws to try and get you on board. 8220But you8217re just buying advertising8221 has already failed in court (see AdSurfDaily). MAPS take new affiliate funds and use it to pay off existing investors. The only 8220advertisers8221 are affiliates, internal funds shuffle up to earlier investors Ponzi scheme. naf . wow let the peole in maps speak for themselves if they are been reaped of or not. And how would they know if they8217ve been scammed of not What if they8217ve been scammed but they won8217t admit to themselves Do you ask a drug addict what8217s his opinion of his dealer (answer: depends on whether the addict needs a hit or not) Thus, your answer really makes no sense, and thus, you can8217t have came up with it on your own, as you8217re clearly not an idiot. You must have LEARNED IT from an idiot. When is Simon Stepsys getting arrested I remember when he was selling his Banners Broker panels to local people for cash when he couldn8217t withdraw money from BB. I don8217t know who is worse8230 him or Faith Sloan Sonny Clarkson there is enough evidence out there to due diligence on Simon Stepsys, he is a convicted farudster, The UK office of fair trading have twice convicted him for selling a programme to unemployed people which didn8217t exist. He is currently being sued for fraud for selling illgal panels in the Banners Broker Ponzi scheme Sonny, you are brainwashed and you will end up worse off if you continue to invest in this company . From MAPS FAQ Page 8230. Either by participating in our referral program (see referral program below) or through profit-sharing by purchasing one or more Credit Packs. For each one you purchase, you will be qualified for one share-in-profits. For every active Credit Pack you have, you will receive that many shares-in-profit, every 20 minutes. So if you buy two Credit Packs, you will earn two shares-in-profit every 20 minutes, buy 10, you will get 10 shares-in-profit every 20 minutes, etc. until each Credit Pack(s) has earned 60 in return. You must click on 10 ads daily in our Traffic Exchange to qualify for profit-shares that day. I just purchased one or more Credit Packs and I am seeing little to no profit-share earnings in my account First of all make sure you have clicked 10 ads within the Traffic Exchange. Second, if you just made your purchase today, your profit-share earnings should increase the following day after 12PM Eastern. Thirdly, make sure your are either in your 30-day free trial period OR have at least Basic membership after the free-trial. Lastly, many factors are taken into account, which determines the payout schedule, which vary8217s daily. Unless you are not earning anything (and have checked for the above), then everything is running normally. The numbers don8217t add up. 1 CP costs 49.99 (plus payment processor fee, 5.51 for me), so that is actually 55.50 for my CP. For my 8220free8221 30 days I averaged 26cday for my first 18 days, then just .0225 centsday for the next 12 days. For 7 of my 30 days I earned 0.00 (nothing) So, at the end of 30 days I have Lifetime Profit Share Earnings of 4.95. Now to earn anything more on my Credit Pack I have to purchase a basic membership for 24.99 for 12 months. OK. Lets see 8211 Credit Pack 55.50 (all in) Basic membership 24.99 Total Cost 80.49 Now divide 60.00 by .26 per day (assumes my profit share will return to the average of my first 18 days 8211 but no guarantee)and it will take 230-231 days just to earn 60 (Max payout per Click Pack), and I am still out 20.49. In actual fact I only net about 4.50 on my Credit pack, but that does not account for processing fees to get payment, which if the same as the fees to purchase would mean I lose 1 on the Credit Pack plus 24.99 on my membership cost. At the end of 231 days I need to shell out another 55.50 for another Credit pack to keep earning, then of course at the end of 365 days I have to renew my basic membership for another 24.99. The only way to (maybe) make money with this program is to sucker in all your friends and family and earn referral commission. How much are you prepared to spend getting referrals The numbers just do not add up MNorway8230. It is not monopoly money or electronic money, I am talking about REAL money because so far I have withdrawn money directly into my bank account which is more than I have put in. Also there is a product and that is called advertising, I will explain more about that below. I honestly do not see myself as stealing from others, I see it as an investment where I am making money from the profit earned by the operatorMAPS which is shared out to the members who have bought advertising credit packs. All MAPS profits come from the advertising they sell. All the credit packs bought give you advertising space and you can also pay extra money if you wish, for example banner adverting which goes towards the profit which is also shared out among it8217s members. I am very aware and not blinded to the fact if the members of MAPS stop buying advertising space it will go bust. This is no different to any other company who sell advertising space. MAPS has 80,000 members and growing, so I can not see the company closing down anytime soon, which is good news as it is a great adverting platform. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator8221. To sum up 8220MAPS is not a Ponzi set up because it is offering a genuine product which is adverting and then sharing the profits made from the sale of their adverting with it8217s members. Finally I would request you control your anger towards me and refrain from call me names like moron and making accusation that I am being silly just because I disagree with you about MAPS being a Ponzi company. Silkywizard : MNorway. It is not monopoly money or electronic money, I am talking about REAL money because so far I have withdrawn money directly into my bank account which is more than I have put in. Also there is a product and that is called advertising, I will explain more about that below. You have withdrawn money DIRECTLY from the back office into you own bank account You didn8217t need to send a 8220withdrawal request8221 to MAP first, and then have to wait some time before the money was transferred to an e-wallet sent to your bank account If you can withdraw money DIRECTLY (without any type of 8220withdrawal request8221), then you can also use your back office to pay your ordinary bills, e. g. utility bills. If you cannot pay anything DIRECTLY (anything outside the system itself), then you8217re not talking about real money. Real money can be used DIRECTLY to pay bills, transfer to other bank accounts, be withdrawn as cash from an ATM. You won8217t need to send 8220withdrawal requests8221 to a third party first. Monopoly money can be used inside the game of monopoly to pay for different 8220valuables8221. They will be worthless outside that game, i. e. when the game ends. Neither the grocery store nor the bank will accept that type of 8220money8221. But PEOPLE may accept it as 8220real money8221 if they don8217t know the exact difference. You can easily trick people to believe it8217s real money, e. g. by replacing it with real money when people request withdrawals. Silkywizard : All MAPS profits come from the advertising they sell. All the credit packs bought give you advertising space and you can also pay extra money if you wish, for example banner adverting which goes towards the profit which is also shared out among its members. If all the profit comes from advertising, why do they need money from you and other investors Silkywizard : MNorway. It is not monopoly money or electronic money, I am talking about REAL money because so far I have withdrawn money directly into my bank account which is more than I have put in. To make it simpler 8230 MAP isn8217t a bank Your back office isn8217t a bank account If you receive something to your back office as a 8220payout8221, you can be pretty sure it isn8217t real money. It can be a PROMISE to pay you an amount of money if you send a 8220withdrawal request8221. Real money won8217t need any 8220withdrawal requests8221 before it can be used to pay for something. You can always use it DIRECTLY to pay for goods or to pay bills. Monopoly money won8217t need 8220withdrawal requests8221 either, you can use it DIRECTLY inside a game . but only inside the game. If payouts CAN be used directly inside a system but CANNOT be used directly outside the system, you can be pretty sure it8217s a type of monopoly money. Ok maybe the terminally was wrong. The money is requested from MAPS to be withdrawn. I have two choices to send it to, Solid Trust Pay or VX Gateway. When the money arrives at Solid Trust Pay I can then withdrawal the money to my bank account. With VX Gatewway once the money arrives I can request the money to go into my paypal account or to my bank account. So you are right, MAPS is not a bank and yes the money is not mine until it is in my bank account. The best way to look at it is with company shares where they have a value but it is not real until they are sold and the money is in your bank account. By the way once I request the money from MAPS it can go throught straight away and sometimes it might take a few hours. So the pay out is relatively fast. All MAPS profits come from the advertising they sell. Really Where If this is true (which it8217s not) why aren8217t walmart, lowes, home depot, sears, etc. advertising there and reaping the money also ASD and Banners broker all made the same claims and they are lies. Where can we, the general public, see these ads on the web (without joining this scam) I honestly do not see myself as stealing from others What you 8220see8221 is irrelevant, because stealing from those who join after you is exactly what you are doing. All MAPS profits come from the advertising they sell. Nah, comes from affiliate investment. You invested and then you steal from those who invest after you. Whatever is bundled with said investment (advertising credits in this case) is irrelevant. Purchases don8217t deliver ROIs, investments do. I am very aware and not blinded to the fact if the members of MAPS stop buying advertising space it will go bust. 8220stop buying advertising8221 8220stop investing8221. I suppose at least you can see it8217s a Ponzi scheme, albeit in a pseudo-compliance round-a-bout way. MAPS has 80,000 members and growing Yeah, but all Ponzi schemes collapse. Their ROI liabilities aren8217t getting any smaller. To sum up MAPS is not a Ponzi set up because it is offering a genuine product Whether they offer a product or not is irrelevant. All modern Ponzi schemes bundle some sort of product or service with their investment. The issue here is the offering of unregistered securities, which MAPS very much are guilty of. Silkywizard : The money is requested from MAPS to be withdrawn. Then the 8220money8221 in your back office is a type of monopoly money. You can reinvest it DIRECTLY and buy more worthless 8220Credit Packs8221. That will prevent you from withdrawing too much real money too early, and prevent MAP from running out of money too early. It will also give the investors the FEELING of earning money, the FEELING of being paid each day or week. It will keep many of the investors happy for a long time, without costing anything substantial. Silkywizard : When the money arrives at Solid Trust Pay I can then withdrawal the money to my bank account. With VX Gatewway once the money arrives I can request the money to go into my paypal account or to my bank account. When stored in e-wallets, the money still can8217t be used DIRECTLY to pay bills. It can be used to load a debit card, or it can be requested transferred to other payment processors, or it can be requested transferred to a bank account, or it can be requested sent as a check. So third party e-wallets do indirectly hold money. The money isn8217t in your possession yet, but you can request to get it paid to where you want without asking MAP first. It means the third party e-wallets are different from your back office, but they8217re not bank accounts . Silkywizard : So you are right, MAPS is not a bank and yes the money is not mine until it is in my bank account. But how do they make a profit when people are using monopoly money to pay for 8220Credit Packs8221 That can8217t be very profitable for a business It will make the monopoly money LOOK more like real money and FEEL more like real money. It will also prevent people from withdrawing too much real money too early. But it can8217t be very profitable for the business Silkywizard : By the way once I request the money from MAPS it can go throught straight away and sometimes it might take a few hours. So the pay out is relatively fast. I don8217t use e-wallets, so I don8217t know what8217s normal time either. Some programs can have 2 or 3 weeks delay, some can have weekly withdrawals, some can have hourly withdrawals, etc. and they all can be normal. The purpose of delaying withdrawals is to make sure enough money is coming IN first before paying anything OUT. So you should watch out for changes. Whip 8211 If you go onto the MAPS website you will see banner ads which the general public can click on. Oz - I am buying advertising not stealing money8230 NO one is stealing from anyone by buying advertising space. Oz - stop buying advertising stop investing. I suppose at least you can see its a Ponzi scheme, albeit in a pseudo-compliance round-a-bout way. Now as I have already explained this. MAPS is like any other advertising business, it will go bust if no more advertising is bought. No different from Google or Yahoo etc. This is not unique to MAPS. Oz - Yeah, but all Ponzi schemes collapse. Their ROI liabilities arent getting any smaller. I have already explained this and have said I8217m making more money from each credit pack faster now than I did when I first started. This is because there are 80,000 members in MAPS and it does not take much maths to work out why this would be bringing in a lot of money from members buying advertising credit packs and banner advertising. So unless you are a member your comment 8220Their ROI liabilities arent getting any smaller8221. is something you cannot possibly know as a 100 fact. My experience is telling me a totally differently story and that is the money being earned is on the increase. Oz 8211 The issue here is the offering of unregistered securities, which MAPS very much are guilty of. I am not sure why you think they are offering securities because MAPS are selling advertising space and not securities. MNorway 8211 buy more worthless Credit Packs. This is the problem when someone does not join MAPS and thinks they know all the facts. In this case it has lead you to think something is worthless without knowing or having the true facts at hand, like I do. Now let me explain the credit packs are used to advertise any business opportunity you wish. The reason why it works so well when advertising on the MAPS website is because you are advertising to like mined business opportunity seekers. No different to advertising a new cat toy in a cat magazine. The reason for advertising in that magazine would be because it would be the right audience. MNorway 8211 Money goes into my available balance on my MAPS account. That money is available to me to send my Solid Trust or VX Gateway. N-Norway 8211 The purpose of delaying withdrawals is to make sure enough money is coming IN first before paying anything OUT. So you should watch out for changes. MAPS have never taken any longer than a few hours to pay out from my available balance. So no, I do not believe they are holding onto any money before paying out. Yes there can be delays with PayPal and Solid Trust because if you are a new customer and for their protection they can withhold money for 48 hours or even 2 weeks sometime, but this is normally what PayPal do to new customers, but it seems Solid Trust Pay do not do this. I honestly do not see myself as stealing from others, I see it as an 1 investment where I am 2 making money from the profit earned by the operatorMAPS which is 3 shared out to the members who have bought advertising credit packs8212silkywizard you have yourself described an investment contract, which is a security. MAPS is not registered with the SEC to sell securities. this is fraud 1. the credit packs you buy are bunkum products which are not generating any income from advertisement. all the money in MAPS is from new investors. this is a ponzi and this is fraud 2. if you8217ve reached 80,000 members then your8217e ripe to be noticed by the regulators, or ripe to go bust. silkywizard : MNorway buy more worthless Credit Packs. This is the problem when someone does not join MAPS and thinks they know all the facts. In this case it has lead you to think something is worthless without knowing or having the true facts at hand, like I do. I was talking about the VALUE in a normal market, not the PRICE you have paid for the 8220Credit Packs8221. The 8220Credit Packs8221 are only 8220worth8221 something inside the system itself, where people are buying them because of the prospected ROI. Or do you seriously buy them because of your own desire to own them, use them, consume them, play with them, look at them, give them away as presents, etc. I estimated the value to be 8220worthless8221 in a normal market . They cost almost nothing to produce, and have a very limited function for people in general. silkywizard : Now let me explain the credit packs are used to advertise any business opportunity you wish. The reason why it works so well when advertising on the MAPS website is because you are advertising to like mined business opportunity seekers. The only ones bringing in any fresh money from the outside will be the new investors You buy ads, but you don8217t pay with real money You click on ads, but you don8217t pay for that either New investors will pay real money IN as an initial investment. z. B. 500 They will get worthless 8220Credit Packs8221, e. g. 10 units. 8220Credit Packs8221 will pay a ROI after some time, e. g. 600 Monopoly money can be reinvested, e. g. 12 units New 8220Credit Packs8221 will pay a ROI, e. g. 720 Monopoly money can be reinvested, e. g. 14 units New 8220Credit Packs8221 will pay a ROI, e. g. 864 Monopoly money can be reinvested, e. g. 17 units ( currency symbol for monopoly money ) The system described there doesn8217t need any real money to work. It will only need real money coming IN from new investors to support withdrawals for the old ones. People will FEEL they8217re earning money, FEEL that their investments are growing. So the system is primarily designed to keep inexperienced investors happy, while the company can keep their money for as long as possible. Of course it does. They are offering unregistered securities to US citizens. MAPS shares out its profits Which comes from affiliate investors, and is paid out to affiliate investors based on the amount they have invested. Ponzi companies are illegal and if MAPS was a Ponzi company it would be closed down by now Says who The world is full of Ponzi schemes that haven8217t been shut down. As explained above MAPS does not have or own any unregistered securities because it does not hold money to be invested on behalf of its members or clients. Right, you just deposit fairy wings on the promise of an advertised ROI. Cut the crap son. Again as I keep repeating I make my money from the profits and not from stealing money from other members coming in after me. You invest and steal from those who invest after you. Again, cut the crap son. Yes I do buy advertising and as explained above Purchasing products and services does not pay out a ROI, investments pay out a ROI. Please do not take my word for it, go and read about it on the SEC website And why don8217t you read up on AdSurfDaily, as you8217re clearly utterly clueless or shamelessly deceitful when it comes to Ponzi schemes. My money is on the latter. Finally I would like to thank you all for this debate which I have enjoyed being involved in, even if we clearly have not agree on most points. Best of luck with the scamming. Lorraine : Just a quick update. MAPS hasbeen registered as a UK based company with Mike Deese being the company CEO. Thiswas deliberately done by Deese in order to prevent SEC investigating the company. We now know that SEC would have closed MAPS down as it follows a ponzi businessmodel. MAPS was registered in missisippi, USA in september 2013, as my advertising pays LLC, but the status of the filing is dissolved. bizapedia: My Advertising Pays L. L.C. is a Mississippi Limited-Liability Company filed on September 13, 2013. The company8217s filing status is listed as Dissolved and its File Number is 1027949. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Deese, Michael and is located at 7213 Bayou Landing Dr Ocean Springs, MS 39564. the address provided in the US registration, is mike deese8217s home address which is a low income neighborhood. mike deese is a former airforceman and postal worker. before MAPS he was pushing some cycler scams. the MAPS website sets him up as some wizard internet marketeer, but his background totally negates that. he seems to be set up as a fall guy. in march 2014, MAPS was registered again in the USA, as a limited company, with a SERVICE address at 2620 Lejuene Drive, Apartment 9130 Biloxi, Ms 39531 Usa so, MAPS is NOT out of reach of the SEC, in my view. Great news tonight A complaint was made to The Advertising Standards Authority about Simon Stepsys and his misleading advertisements. this is the ASA ruling: Summary of Council decision: Two issues were investigated, both of which were Upheld. Simon Stepsys Success International Ltd said the ads were designed to generate interest in an affiliate programme, and that there was no personal selling required to make money. They said that the My Advertising Pays (MAP) programme shared its profits every 20 minutes with all members who had purchased a 8216Credit Pack8217 and clicked on ten sites in the MAP Traffic Exchange. Each Credit Pack qualified members for a share in the profits. Members had to click on ten ads each day in the Traffic Exchange to qualify for profit-shares that day. They said that consumers did not have to purchase credit packs, nor recruit or sponsor others to earn. They told us that they would remove the ads. The ads must not appear again in their current form. We told Simon Stepsys Success International Ltd to ensure that they did not make earnings claims unless they could be substantiated, and not to claim that selling was not involved in an opportunity if that was not the case. now, obviously simon stepsys is the owner of 8216simon stepsys success international8217, and this is what his FB page says 13 hrs ago. he has taken the ASA8217s suggestions to heart and is now blatantly asking people to buy more packs and refer more people : Map hits record high of over 70 MILLION hits per month Over 1,000 withdrawals per DAY Just shy of 170,000 ADDICTED members On track to hit 300,000 members by the end of this year On track to hit ONE MILLION members within the next 18 months On track to hit ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN SALES within the next 18 months. THIS IS JUST THE START BUY MORE. REFER MORE. FOCUS 1200 1200 1200 fat lot of good the ASA ruling achieved complaints should be made to the UK securities regulators, and not toothless ASA. M032Norway . Which source did you use there It looks like you have quoted a shill source i used the 8216straight from the horse8217s mouth8217 source which is the ASA itself ie: do you think this is a shill site according to wiki, this is how the ASA works: The ASA begins an investigation by contacting the advertiser for its views on the advertisement and, where appropriate, substantiation of claims made in it. The ASA may on occasion seek advice from industry experts on more complex issues. Once the investigation is complete, a draft recommendation is sent to both the advertiser and the original complainant for any comments, with a request to keep this confidential until publication of the final report. The draft recommendation is then submitted to the independent Advertising Standards Authority Council, which adjudicates on ASA investigations. The ASA Council then discusses the complaint and the draft recommendation, and votes on whether to uphold the complaint or not. The adjudication in full is subsequently posted on the ASA8217s website, and made available to the press and the general public. i think what you found on 8216MyAdvertingPays Scam8217, may be a part of the 8216complaint8217 made to ASA. I8217m not understanding why the ASA would care that MAPS is a Ponzi scheme either. The MAPS Domain name is registered with Go Daddy and their website is hosted by dottrend, both in the USA. VXGateway is one of their payment processors. They have a policy against money laundering and crime. And, SolidTrust Pay 8220will suspend any account that is found to be involved in any fraudulent or malicious activity.8221 anjali : i used the straight from the horses mouth source which is the ASA itself ie: do you think this is a shill site Nope, but I didn8217t recognize it as a source for your quote. It looked like you had quoted something from a shill source. Your quote goes like this: Background Summary of Council decision: Two issues were investigated, both of which were Upheld. Response 7 lines about how Simon Stepsys sees it. Action 2.3 lines about the recommended action that he must stop using misleading ads like the ones in the complaints. The decision has the following parts: Simon Stepsys Success International Ltd (formal information) Background Ad (the ads they complained about) Issue (whether those ads were misleading) Response (how Simon Stepsys8217 sees it) Assessment (how ASA sees it) Action (recommended action) I had serious reason to believe that it had been picked up from a shill site, because it only focused on one side of the story. It didn8217t identify that more relevant parts were missing. anjali . stepsys has registered a new company in june 2015, and may have some fresh ponzi plans afoot stepsys is so uber cunning that he has not only registered a new company called Master Key Associates Ltd, but has moved to 8216strike off8217 or dissolve his old company 8216simon stepsys success international8217. this is because ASA ordered 8216simon stepsys success international8217 to refrain from false advertisement, about MAPS being a source of easy money, where people could earn without investing or referring. since stepsys wants to continue his lying thieving ways, he will just do so on his new company website. this is from 8216My Advertising Pays 8211 Scam8217s8217 Page: also, should MAPS investors start worrying about why MAPS is not filing it8217s accounts with the Companies House, UK are they planning a slow motion death

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